Search results for: “FINANCIAL RULES”

  • Issue of Allotment Order through e-Bantan Mandated

    Approval to fund flow through e-bantan module of IFMS does not need any separate allotment order other than the system generated one. Any conventional method of preparation of allotment letter and forwarding the same manually may result in duplication and will not be entertained in the Treasury/ PAO.

  • Engagement of Organisations for Preparing DPR

    Engagement of State and Central PSU’s/ Organisations for detailed technical survey as well as preparation of Detailed Project Reports including design, plan and detailed cost estimates, etc., for, inter alia, RIDF projects.

  • Amendment of Rule 177 of WBFR regarding Tenders

    Subject to any special rule or order or procedure that may be prescribed by the Government in respect of a particular department, open tender shall invariably be invited for execution of works worth Rs. 1,00,000/- or more.

  • Manuals under RTI in Law Department, West Bengal

    Any of the Officers below the rank of the Secretary can draw disciplinary proceeding against the offending Employee and to submit his report to the Secretary for consideration. The Secretary in his turn is authorized to punish the offending employee if the charge is substantiated beyond doubt.

  • Submission of Hard Copy of EMD in case of e-Tender

    Government has decided to relax the provision of submission of hard copy of the original EMD documents to the tender inviting authority before financial evaluations of bids in case of e-tender.

  • Guidelines of Selection of Consultant and Delegation of Power

    Policies and procedures for selection, contracting and monitoring of consultants and other professional services providers financed from the Government’s resources.

  • Yuva Utsaha Prakalpa, 2013 for Job-Seekers of West Bengal

    The objective of the scheme is to provide unemployment assistance to the enrolled jobseekers of Employment Bank to enable them to upgrade their level of skill in order to make them employable.

  • Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2013

    West Bengal Government employee if applies for Interest-free festival advance, may be granted an advance up to a maximum of Rs. 2,500/- only.

  • Accounting Procedure of Execution of Works through PSU’s

    Procedure of drawal and disbursement of fund and preparation of accounts related to execution of works by non-works departments of the Govt through PSU’s/ autonomous bodies/ development authorities.

  • Re-Tender Procedure of West Bengal Government

    It is felt necessary to prescribe the re-tender procedure and number of times it may be resorted to in case of the number of qualified bidders falling below three.