Search results for: “FORM”

  • Handbook of Circulars on Death-cum-Retirement-Benefit Scheme

    Handbook of Circulars on Death-cum-Retirement-Benefit Scheme, published by Pension Branch, Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal.

  • State Nodal Officer for 24×7 Health Helpline

    (a) Information regarding availability of essential service packages in State Government Run Health Facilities and (b) Assistance in availing the service packages rendered by the State Government Run Health Facilities.

  • 24×7 Health Helpline for Government Run Health Facilities

    Each Health Facility would have to identify Facility Manager(s) who would remain responsible for responding to each call from the Health Helpline on behalf of the Hospital Authority. S/he will also have to remain responsible for updating the static database related to availability of Hospital Services

  • Certified Copy of Evaluated Answer Script of HS Exam under RTI

    The candidate has to apply as per the stipulated norms of application under RTI Act, 2005 within 100 days from the date of publication of H.S Result of that year to the concerned SPIO.

  • Pay Structure of WBDES and WBDS Cadre after 25 years of Service

    Officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre to move to pre-revised scale No. 19 (Pay Band No – 5 with Grade Pay – 8700/-) who have completed 25 years of continuous and satisfactory service with effect from – 1.12.2012.

  • Enhancement of Qualification of Para Teachers

    Acquiring of higher academic qualification (up to HS or +2 level with at least 50 percent marks) is allowed through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode only, without hampering normal duties as a para-teacher in the school.

  • New Subject Combinations offered by WBCHSE w.e.f. 2013

    Students have to select three Compulsory Elective Subjects and One Additional Elective subject from any one of the following Sets of subjects; i.e the choice must be confined to any one of the following Sets of subjects.

  • HMIS Report of Different Programmes under RCH

    Demographic and Evaluation Cell of State Family Welfare Bureau will compile the monthly performance report (HMIS report) under RCH by 20th of every month.

  • Payment of JSY Benefit through A/c Payee Cheque

    All potential JSY beneficiaries should be enrolled in MCTS portal. No payment can be made to a beneficiary unless her name is enrolled in MCTS portal; Entering Bank A/C Number in the RCH register;

  • Download Free eBook/ Handbook of Circulars

    Handbook of Circulars, Compendium of Important Govt. Orders, West Bengal Primary/ Secondary School Teachers Manual, e-Book for D.El.Ed Course for In-Service Teachers.