Search results for: “RESULT”

  • West Bengal Inland Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1993

    No person shall fill up any water area including embankment or naturally or artificially depressed land, with a view to converting it into solid land for the purpose of construction of any building.

  • West Bengal Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1969

    An Act to provide for payment of subsistence allowance to employees in certain establishments during the period of suspension.

  • Release of Bills Pertaining to Arrear Pay & Allowances

    Bills pertaining to 1st instalment of arrear Pay and Allowances in respect of Govt employees may be released by Kolkata PAO/ Treasuries in anticipation of allotment of fund in case there is any shortfall of allotment.

  • Question and Answer Archive

    We started our online presence in free blogger platform. Then we got our new name as: We migrated from blogger to wordpress in 2011. Below are the archive of comments from the old blog.