
Panchayat General Election in West Bengal – 8th

Panchayats and Rural Development, 👁️ 198

The eighth Panchayat General Elections to 3-tier Panchayats will be held in this State within a short period from now. As has been assessed, around four lakhs of polling personnel will be required for smooth conduct of the above elections.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Panchayats & Rural Development
Jessop Building (1st Floor)
63, N. S. Road, Kolkata-700 001

Memo. No. 1006(60)/PN/O/1/1E-2/2013, Dated: 11.03.2013

From: The Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: The Additional Chief Secretary/
Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
________________________ Department

Subject: 8th Panchayat General Elections to the Panchayat bodies in West Bengal.

Sir/ Madam,

The eighth Panchayat General Elections to 3-tier Panchayats will be held in this State within a short period from now. As has been assessed, around four lakhs of polling personnel will be required for smooth conduct of the above elections. It is, therefore, essential to spare maximum number of staff for polling duties from State Government Offices, Semi-Government Organizations and State Public Undertakings.

In this context, I request you to issue immediate instructions to all Directorates, other offices, statutory and local bodies and Public Undertakings under your administrative control located in the districts, to prepare lists of all their employees in the given proforma and send the same immediately to the respective District Magistrates who are also District Panchayat Election Officers. You are also requested to ensure that similar lists of all the employees of your Department, Directorates and other offices located in Kolkata be prepared and forwarded to the Secretary, West Bengal State Election Commission located at 18, Sarojini Naidu Sarani, Kolkata-700 017 at the earliest.

Employees selected by the Returning Officers for polling duty will be called up for training possibly twice before the actual poll and they should be permitted to attend the trainings as per schedule.

For this election, the services of a large number of Assistant Returning Officers will also be required. They are to be appointed by the concerned District Magistrate & District Panchayat Election Officer concerned from among the Officers belonging to different Departments serving in the Blocks and the Sub-Divisions. These Officers are also to be spared by you as and when may be required by the District Magistrate & District Panchayat Election Officers.

Further, you may be required to allow the use of buildings together with necessary furniture owned by Government/ Government Undertakings/Statutory and local bodies for locating the polling stations and allow the use of Departmental vehicles, guesthouses and inspection bungalows by the Returning Officers in connection with the elections and preparations thereof.

I would request you to extend all possible help and co-operation to the District Magistrate & District Panchayat Election Officers as well as to the Returning Officers for smooth conduct of the ensuing Panchayat General Elections.

Yours faithfully,

Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal


1. Name of the Office ……………………..

2. Address ………………………………

3. Telephone No. ………………………. Fax No. ………………………….

Sl. No.Name of the Government employeeDesignationCategory of Staff (Group)Scale of PayOffice AddressResidential AddressDate of retirement

No. 1006/PN dated 11.03.2013

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