The Paray Samadhan campaign/ programme has recently been introduced by West Bengal Government to provide early resolution to public demands and grievances.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch (Group T)
(File No. 278443)
No:- 1-F(Y) Dated, the 2nd January, 2021
Sub: Revised DFPR and Notice period in respect of Works related to “Paray Samadhan” Campaign
The “Paray Samadhan” campaign/ programme has recently been introduced by West Bengal Government to provide early resolution to public demands and grievances.
However, early resolution of such grievances may require immediate execution of some works/ services to provide quick relief to general public.
Now, for smooth implementation of the “Paray Samadhan” campaign /programme, the Governor is pleased to accord the following relaxations in the DFPR and Tender Rules for execution of works/ services originated/ related to such programme:
1) The DFPR of the Non works Departments (except UDMA Department which is already having DFPR of Rs. 3 Crore) will be Rs. 1 Crore in relaxation of para 3(ii) of FD Memo No. 3566-F(Y) dated 21.12.2020.
2) The works/ services/ procurement requiring notice period of 21 days and 14 Days can be executed with short notice period of 14 days and 7 days respectively in relaxation of Note 3 of Rule 47(8) of WBFR.
However, to avail the enhanced power, for service head related to AAFS the “Project Type” shall be selected as “Paray Samadhan” in AAFS module of IFMS.
This order will be applicable only for the Works/ Services to be executed under “Paray Samadhan” campaign.
This order takes immediate effect.
Sd/- S. K. De
Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal