
Parity in Monthly Consolidated Remunerations under Samities

Health, ,

All contractual employees engaged in different programmes under the WBSH&FWS will be grouped in identical categories considering their designation and nature of duty and responsibilities assigned to their designation.

West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti
(Registration No. S/IL/14448 of 2002-03)
3rd Floor, Wing-B, Swastbya Bhawan
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091

Memo No. SHFWS/Estd-552/2011/544 Dated: 22nd December 2011

1. Financial Adviser, WBSHFWS
2. The Programme Officer, ………………..
3. The Secretary DH&FWS and Chief Medical Officer of Health ………………… (All)

Subject: Parity in Monthly Consolidated Remunerations in respect of persons engaged on contract in Different Programmes under West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti.


Disparities and anomalies in the consolidated remuneration allowed to contractual employees engaged in various health sector programmes under the WBSH&FWS have long been a matter of concern. Therefore, a committee had been constituted to remove such disparities and anomalies and bring about parity in the pattern of remuneration.

Based on the recommendations of the committee, the WBSH&FWS has decided to revisit the pattern of consolidated remuneration allowed to contractual employees engaged in different health sector programmes under the WBSH&FWS as set out in Annexure II to this order.

Annexure II will become effective only after the submission of the relevant information in the prescribed format in Annexure-I by the State Programme Officers to the WBSH&FWS, followed by specific sanctions based on such information by the Executive Director of the Samiti.

Under no circumstances should the Programme Officers grant revised remuneration as set out in Annexure II, without such specific approval.

Enclosed: As Stated

Yours faithfully

Sd/- Executive Director
State Health & Family Welfare Samiti

Annexure-I to Memo No. SHFWS/Estd-552/2011/544/1(4) dated 22nd December, 2011

Sl NoName of the Employee with address & Contact No. (Mobile)Engaged AsGroupDate of BirthDate of JoiningYear of Service since 01.04.09Existing Monthly RemunerationProposed Monthly RemunerationRemarks, if any

ANNEXURE – II to Memo No. SHFWS/ESTD-552/2011/544 dt. 22-12-11

1. All contractual employees engaged in different programmes under the WBSH&FWS will be grouped in identical categories considering their designation and nature of duty and responsibilities assigned to their designation in following manner.

Group No.Categories of contractual employees brought under same group
IAsstt. Engineer, State Surveillance MO, NLEP
IISr. Programme Coordinator, NRHM; State NGO Co-ordinator, NRHM; Programme Coordinator, NRHM; Accounts Manager (State), NRHM FMG; District Programme Co-ordinator, District Accounts Manager, District Statistical Manager, State accounts Officer, RNTCP; EEC Officer, RNTCP; Entomologist SSU, IDSP; Microbiologist SSU & DSU, IDSP; System Co- ordinator, State Samiti
IIISub Assistant Engineer, Sr. Programmer, State samiti
IVExecutive assistant, NRHM; Accounts Personnel, Block Accounts Manager, GNM (Anwesha), GNM (School Health), Lab Technician, MT Lab, Statistical Asstt, Accounts Clerk (Computerized), Accounts Clerk, Sr. LT (IRL), RNTCP; DOTS Plus Site Statistical Asstt., RNTCP; Sr. DOTS Plus & TB HIV Supervisor, RNTCP; Pharmacist/ store Keeper, RNTCP; Sr. Treatment Supervisor, RNTCP; Sr. TB Lab Supervisor, RNTCP; Lab Technician, RNTCP; MTS, LT of NVBDCP, Data Manager SSU & SDU, IDSP; Sr. Assistant, State Samiti; Technician, State Samiti, Counselor, State Samiti, Stenographer, State Samiti
VData Entry Operator, Accounts asstt, DPMU, Computer Asstt, DPMU; Lady Counselor (Adolescent Clinic), Lady Counselor (Anshewa Clinic), Driver, Administrative Asstt, NLEP; MPW of NVBDCP, Secretarial asstt, RNTCP; Store Asstt., RNTCP; DEO SSU & DSU & Others, IDSP; Cash Sarkar, State Samiti; A/c Clerk, State Samiti; Jr. Asstt cum Typist, State Samiti
VIGroup-D, Peon

2. In order to bring parity of remuneration of all contractual employees of same Group referred to above considering the year of service they have rendered on the date of effect since 01.04.09, the contractual monthly remuneration of all such employees may be fixed as noted hereunder with effect from 1st January 2012.


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration


Year of ServiceGross Monthly Remuneration

Note 1: Considering the duties, responsibilities and for administrative facilitation the District Programme Co-ordinators will be allowed an additional remuneration @ Rs. 2000.00 (Two Thousand) only per month in addition to monthly remuneration awarded to other contractual employees in Group – II.

Note 2: For similar reasons noted in Note 1 above, an additional remuneration @ Rs. 2000.00 (Two Thousand) only per month will also be allowed to the Sr. Programme Coordinator, NRHM and State NGO Coordinator.

Note 3: Similarly, Accounts Manager and Programme Coordinator working at SPMU will get Rs. 2000.00 (Two Thousand) more than their counterpart working in Districts.

3. The system of allowing annual increment shall be with held for all such employees who have not rendered service continuously more than 10 years and not satisfied all the conditions referred in Finance Department Memo No. 9008-F(P) Dated 16.09.11.

4. Renewal of engagement of all such contractual employees, which in every case shall be reckoned as a fresh contract, will henceforth be effected from 1st April of each year and may invariably end on 31st march of the following year on the basis of specific appraisal in prescribed format and in consultation with Human Resource Cell of the WBSH&FWS. The contract will end automatically on 31st March of the following year, unless renewed in the above manner.

5. At the time of renewal i.e., on 1st April of the year, monthly contractual remuneration of the contractual employee concerned shall be revised as per recommendation of the Human Resource Cell under WBSHFWS.

6. If any fresh employee is recruited at any point of time after 1st April and prior to 31st March, his/her first contractual tenure shall strictly be upto subsequent 31st March and that monthly remuneration shall be fixed by keeping parity of minimum remuneration of contractual employees of same group at that point of time and invariably in consultation with the HR Cell. First re-fixation of remuneration of such fresh recruited employee will be due on 1st April immediately after his/her completion of 12 months service.

7. If for the interest of any programme, a fresh contractual employee is recruited whose designation has not been included or covered in any of the group given in Para 1 above then before recruitment that designation either be included in any of the existing group or in a new group in consultation with the HR Cell.

8. The monthly contractual remuneration of all Groups as prescribed in Para 1 above, has been fixed for bringing parity amongst the employees of same Group. But if for this revision, existing remuneration of any contractual employee is reduced then the matter may immediately be brought to the notice of Executive Director, WBSHFWS.

9. Job Chart for all categories of contractual employees will be introduced or modified by the HR Cell in due course.

10. Renewal of contract of any contractual employee will not be allowed if the employee fails to attend his/her duties in 240 days in a year of tenure or 20 days average per month if the period of tenure is less than one year. In this respect sanctioned period on leave with pay shall be counted towards determination of the Number of days worked.

11. There are some retired employees engaged on contract in different programmes. Remunerations of such contractual employees will be as per extant government orders in force.

12. Clarification regarding revision of consolidated remuneration, if required, may be sought from the WBSH&FWS.

Executive Director
West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti

No. SHFWS/544 dated 22.12.2011