
Pending Payment in Implementing COSA Package

Finance, 👁️ 150

Head of Offices/ DDOs who have already implemented the COSA package are not paying the bills of WEBEL for supply of computers and the bills of Vendors selected by this Department for installation of COSA software.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.

No. 10001/(25)-F(Y), Dated: 07.12.2012.

From: Finance Secretary,
Government of West Bengal.

To (i): The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, West Bengal.
(ii): The District Magistrate, ……………… District.

Sub: Payment regarding implementation of COSA Package at the Offices at the Districts.


It has come to the notice of this Department that the Head of Offices/DDOs who have already implemented the COSA package are not paying the bills of WEBEL for supply of computers and the bills of Vendors selected by this Department for installation of COSA software, data entry and generation of salary bills from COSA.

Though the Head of Offices/DDOs were allowed to submit the Bills for Computer purchase in anticipation of allotment as per Government Order, the WEBEL has reported that they have not yet received payment, against the supply of computers, from 270 Head of Offices/DDOs. For smooth supply of the computer hardware & peripherals by M/s. Webel Technology Limited, you are requested to instruct the District offices to make such payments of the bills for purchase of computer hardware & peripherals, at the earliest, after satisfactory installation of the same.

The outstanding payments of the selected vendors have become serious concern in implementation of the COSA package. The Selected Vendors are constantly raising the issue of non-payment of their bills by the DDOs. In order to mitigate the situation, following steps shall be taken by the District Magistrates/DTA to achieve the target:

1. Additional District Magistrate (Treasury)/ SDO (in case of outline Sub Division) with the help of Treasury Officers shall monitor for speedy implementation of the COSA Package at the offices of the DDOs. The District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate (Treasury) shall supervise the matter for the entire District. In Kolkata, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts (DTA) with the help of Pay & Accounts Officers shall monitor and supervise.

2. The payment of the outstanding bills of the selected vendors shall be made from the Office of the District Magistrate/ DTA [in case of Kolkata] on the basis of ‘Work-Order’, ‘Satisfactory Work Completion Certificate’ and ‘Non- Payment Certificate’ issued by the concerned Head of Office/DDO. For this purpose, necessary funds shall be placed by the Finance Department at the disposal of the District Magistrates/ DTA who in turn will send ‘Utilization Certificate’ and ‘Progress Report’ to Finance Department. The other payments related to implementation of COSA package and for procurement of computer & peripherals would be met from the Departmental budget.

I would request you to instruct the District Offices for speedy implementation of COSA Package by each DDO’s office latest by 28.02.2013.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Finance Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 10001-F dated 07.12.2012, Source