
Pension Adalat for resolving Grievances for Pensioners, 2018

Accountant General, West Bengal, Finance, , 👁ī¸ 284

On 18th September, 2018, Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal office is going to organise ‘Pension Adalat’ in the Treasury Buildings Institute Hall from 11 A.M.


No. 509-F(Pen)/FJ/N/F-1P-136/2018 Dated, Kolkata, the 12th September, 2018


The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary,

Subject:- Pension Adalat to be held on 18.09.2018.


In enclosing the copy of the letter no. Pen.Co-ordn./136-Vol. IV(C)/329 dated 10.09.2018 from the office of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-700001 on the subject noted above the undersigned is directed to say that the office of the Pr. A.G.(A&.E), W.B. is going to organize “Pension Adalat” for pensioners/ retired officers/ employees from State govt. offices on 18.09.2018 at the “Treasury Buildings Institute Hall, Ground Floor” of the office of Pr. A.G.(A&E), W.B. and to request you to instruct the respective PSAs under administrative control of the Department within the KMC area to attend the said Pension Adalat to make it effective and fruitful.

yours faithfully,

Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Indian Audit And Accounts Department
Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal

Shri Swapan Kumar Das, IAS,
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,
Finance Department, Pension Branch,
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001.

Subject: Pension Adaiat – regarding


In continuation to this office letter No. Pen Co-ordn/136 Vol. III(C)/328 dated 06/09/2018 (copy enclosed) on the subject cited above, I am to inform that on 18th September, 2018, this office is going to organise ‘Pension Adalat’ for the pensioners retired from the State Government offices within the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Area in the Treasury Buildings Institute Hall of the Office of the Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal from 11 A.M.

The Departments and respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities concerned are being intimated in this regard by this office with the request to take part in the programme. An effort is being taken by this office to inform the pensioners concerned of the purpose, date and venue of the programme so that they may be present in the ‘Adalat’ to get their grievances resolved on spot.

I would request you to grace the occasion on the date and venue mentioned above along with the concerned officials of your department. All related departments/ Pension Sanctioning Authorities may be pursued from your end also to ensure the presence of the concerned officials with the details of the cases pending with them so that an effective step may be taken in the Adalat to resolve the discrepancy on spot.

yours faithfully,

Dy. Accountant General (Pension)

No. 509-F dated 12.09.2018, Source

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