
Pension/ Family Pension (Pre-2016) – 6th Pay Commission

Finance, , 👁ī¸ 514

Regarding Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission – Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of Pre- 2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Writers’ Buildings

No. 681-F(Pen)/1P- 251/19 Date:- 23.12.2019


Subject:- Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Pay Commission – Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of Pre- 2016 Pensioners/ Family Pensioners – Reg.

Consequent upon revision of Pension/ Family Pension in terms of Memo No. 535-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 and Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019, references are being received in this Department seeking clarifications in regard to various provisions of the aforesaid Memos.

After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed to clarify the points raised thereon for information and guidance of all concerned.

In Para 4.4 of Memo No. 535-F (Pen) dt. 01.10.2019, a special provision has been made to protect the interest of Pensioners. It has been laid down in Para 4.4 that the fixation of Pension of Pre- 01.01.2016 pensioners will be, in terms of this provision, such that the revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than 50% of the minimum of the pay in the Pay Matrix in the revised pay structure corresponding to pre-revised pay scale/ pre-revised pay structure from which the Pensioner had retired. The question has been arisen whether para 4.4 ibid is applicable to the revision of family pension. It is clarified that para 4.4 ibid will be applicable for revision of family pension also.

With a view to simplifying the modalities of payment of revised pension/ family pension to the pre- 2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in terms of para 4.4 of No. 535-F (Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 the Governor has been pleased to adopt some provisions stated hereunder:-

Pension/ Family Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in terms of Para 4.4 of No. 535-F (Pen.) dt. 01.10. 2019 shall be revised in consonance with these provisions

1. The pension shall be calculated @ 50% of the of the minimum of pay in the pay matrix in the revised Pay structure corresponding to the pre- revised pay scale/ pay structure from which the pensioner had retired.

2. It is further clarified that as per Para 4.4 of the Memorandum No. 535-F (Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 that the revised pension of those who retired after completing maximum required qualifying service for full pension (i.e. 33 years/ 20 years as the case may be) before 01.01.2016 cannot be less than 50% of the minimum pay of the corresponding pay level in the pay matrix. The pension will be reduced on pro-rata where the pensioner had rendered less than the maximum required qualifying service (i.e. 33 years/ 20 years as the case may be) for full pension and in no case it will be less than Rs. 8500/- per month.

3. The higher of the pension consolidated as per Para 4.1 of the Memorandum No. 535-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 and that calculated in terms of para 4.4 ibid in the manner as stated at para- 2 above will be regarded as Basic Pension.

4. The family pension consolidated as per para 4.1 of the Memo No 535-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 and amount calculated @ 30% of the minimum pay of the corresponding pay level in the pay matrix in terms of para 4.4 ibid, the higher one will be fixed as basic family pension subject to a minimum of Rs 8500/-.

5. In partial modification of Para 7 of the Memo No 535-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019, the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) will revise the pension/ family pension and send only such stray cases related to para 4.4 beneficiaries to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal with Service Book and previous pension papers for issuance of revised payment Authority along with a copy to the respective Treasuries and Public Sector Banks in Kolkata and the treasuries and Public Sector Banks in Kolkata in turn, will start payment of the revised pension/ family pension provisionally until they receive revised payment order from the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal. No formal sanction in Single Comprehensive Form is necessary in such cases. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal after due check at his end will issue revised Authority to the Pension Disbursing Authority concerned and a copy of the same may be endorsed to the Pension Sanctioning Authority concerned within a period of 10 months.

6. The Pension Sanctioning Authority have the liberty to revise the pension of Pre-01.01.2016 pensioners in terms of Para 4.4 of memorandum No. 535-F(Pen) dt. 01.10.2019 suo-motu or on receipt of application from the beneficiaries.

7. In case where Service Book is not traceable/ available, the Pension Sanctioning Authorities will send such case to Finance Department, Pension Branch along with Duplicate Service Book or Basic Pay and Scale of Pay to which the pensioner was attached at the time of retirement/ death, for obtaining special order of dispensation of production of Service Book of the concern pensioners.

8. In case where the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners are drawing Pension/ Family Pension in other States, the Pension Sanctioning Authority will revise the pension in terms of Para 4.4 of 535-F(Pen) dated 01.10.2019 and send the same to Accountant General, West Bengal for arranging Special Seal Authority for payment through Treasury/Bank of other States. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal is being informed.

9. In case a Department/ Office has been abolished or merged with another department/ Office, the case of revision of pension would have to be processed by the office in which the parent department/ office of the retired/ deceased Government employee has been merged and keeping the record of the abolished Department/ Office.

10. Where the Government employees in permanent absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Bodies etc. continue to draw pension separately from the Government, the pension of such absorbees will also be updated in terms of this Memorandum. Cases of the Government employees who have drawn one time terminal benefits in lump sum equal to 100% of their pension shall not be covered by these orders.

11. A suitable entry regarding the revised pension and essentially scale of pay/ pay band with grade pay/ pay level shall be recorded by the Pension Disbursing Authorities in both halves of PPO. An intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension may be sent by the Pension Disbursing Authorities to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal so that they can verify the pension so revised and update the PPO register etc. An Acknowledgement from the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal shall be obtained by the Pension Disbursing Authorities from the Office of Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.

12. In case of Pre-01.01.1986 pensioners while revision shall be made in terms of para 4.4 of 535-F(Pen) dt.01.10.2019, a certificate from the Pension Disbursing Point/ Treasury/ Bank in case of K.M.C. area, as the case may be, is required to be submitted to P.S.As to the effect that he has/has not availed himself of the benefit of para 2.1(b) of 2706-F(Pen) dt.7.9.99 i.e. ad-hoc increase in pension @10% and details of the increase, if any, may be reflected in the certificate. This certificate is not necessary in case of pensioners who availed himself of the benefit of 2.1(a) of 2706-F(Pen) dt. 7.9.99 i.e. who had option in favour of actual calculation.

13. In case of extending benefit under provision 4.5 of the Memo No 535-F(Pen) dated 01.10.2019 :

(i) The additional Quantum (any fraction will be rounded off to next 1 rupee and it would not be rounded off to next higher multiple of Rs.10) of pension/ family pension, on attaining the age of 80 years or above, would be admissible from the 1st day of the month in which his date of birth falls. For example, if a pensioner/family pensioner completes the age of 80 years on any date of the month of January, 2020 he/she will be entitled to additional pension/family pension with effect from 01.01.2020. Those pensioners/ family pensioners whose date of birth is 1st January they will also be entitled to additional pension/family pension with effect from 1st January, 2020 on attaining the age of 80 years and above.

(ii) Revised Pension/ family pension as worked out in accordance with para 4.1 to para 4.4 should be treated as ‘Basic Pension’ and the quantum of pension/ family pension as worked out in accordance with para 4.5 should be treated as ‘Additional Pension’ and both should qualify for grant of Dearness Relief on pension as and when sanctioned thereafter, if any.

(iii) Pension Sanctioning Authority should intimate the age of pensioners in case the same is not available in the Pension Payment Order. In case of Family Pensioners the authenticity of age is to be verified by the Pension Sanctioning Authority on the basis of certificates of the School Final Examination or equivalent examination/ Certificate from any Government Doctor attached to Primary Health Centre/ Block Level Health Centre/Sub-Divisional Level Hospitals/ State Level or District Level Hospitals/ Medical Colleges etc. and send the same to the Treasury or Bank from where Family Pension is paid to enable him/her to get the additional Family Pension receivable at the age of 80 years or above.

14. This is also clarified that pensioner/ family pensioner will get Medical Relief @ Rs. 500/- per month with effect from 01.01.2020.

15. All Departments/ Directorates are requested to bring the contents of this Memorandum to the notice of all Head of offices under them. All Pension disbursing Authorities are also requested to prominently display this Memo. On their Notice Board for the benefit of Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.

Sd/- S. K. Ghosh
OSD & E.O Joint Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 681-F dated 23.12.2019, Source

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