
Permission from CM’s Office to Attend Meeting outside State

Finance, 👁️ 192

With a view to restrict the expenditure towards travelling and other expenditure thereon as well as to minimize dislocation of work due to absence of such officers from the State.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 6114-F(P) 3rd December, 2014


An order was issued from the Finance Department vide No. 8094-F(P) dated 4.11.2014 directing senior officials at the level of Secretary and above to seek permission from the Chief Minister for attending meetings convened by Government of India outside the State Head Quarters in order to minimize dislocation of work due to absence of such senior officials and to restrict expenditure towards cost of travelling, etc.

Now, it has come to notice that many more officers below the rank of Secretary are travelling regularly outside the State for official meetings and other programmes, permission for which is accorded by the concerned department.

With a view to restrict the expenditure towards travelling and other expenditure thereon as well as to minimize dislocation of work due to absence of such officers from the State, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor that in case of any visit outside the State for meetings or for any other purposes, permission from the Chief Minister’s office shall invariably be obtained.

This order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- S.Mitra
Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6114-F dated 03.12.2014, Source