School Education, Deputation đī¸ 555
Cancellation of Order No. 438-SE/S/5P-19/09 dt. 19.05.2014 – Permission for pursuing further study by the teaching and non-teaching staff of Non-Government Aided/Government Sponsored schools.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091.
No. 566-SE/S/5P-19/09 Date: 08.07.2014
Sub: Cancellation of Order No. 438-SE/S/5P-19/09 dt. 19.05.2014 – Permission for pursuing further study by the teaching and non-teaching staff of Non-Government Aided/Government Sponsored schools.
Due to some legal complications, raised after issuance of the Order No. 438-SE/S/5P-19/09 dt. 19.05.2014, the order is hereby cancelled w.e.f. the date of issue of the cancellation order. A revised order will be issued subsequently.
Sd/- Asim Kumar Bhattacharya
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of W.B.