
Pool Cars carrying School Children – Issuing permit by RTAs

Transport, ,

Contract carriage permits shall be issued in Form XV of WBMV Rules, 1989 and it shall be obligatory on the part of the permit holder to use the vehicle for carrying school children.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhaban
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata – 700 001

No. 11-WT/TR/3M-10/2013 Date: 02/01/2017


An “one-time scheme for regularisation of Pool Cars carrying School Children to Contract Carriages” was formulated by this Department vide 2973-WT/TR/3M-10/2013 dated 02/08/2016, wherein it was stated that separate enabling notification will be issued in due course for issuing permits by RTA. It was also contained therein that any applicant desirous of using the same non-transport car for carriage of office staffs as well, post its conversion to contract carriage, may apply for such endorsement to the authority issuing the contract carriage permit. After careful consideration of the issues raised before this Department by stakeholders, the Governor has been pleased to direct as follows:-

  1. All such contract carriage permits shall be issued in Form XV of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
  2. Primary purpose of use of the same shall be that of carriage of school going children, which shall be clearly endorsed in the permit and it shall be obligatory on the part of the permit holder to use the vehicle for carrying school children.
  3. Separate agreement for carriage of office staffs, beyond school duty hours, may be submitted by the applicant.
  4. Separate endorsement fee for endorsing the scope for carriage of office staff shall be paid.
  5. Necessary endorsement may be made by the concerned permit issuing authority after satisfying itself, as may be necessary, and in particular to the fact that such use of vehicle does not obfuscate the primary purpose of use of the vehicle.
  6. The number of regions applied for, shall be as necessitated by such contract/s. The permit issuing authority shall satisfy themselves on the necessity of such requirement, i.e. the physical operational aspects proposed in such contract/s vis-a-vis timely service delivery.

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- B. Dasgupta
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 11-WT dated 02.01.2017

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