Madrasah Education, Election , Managing Committee
Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc committee/ Organizing Committee/ Administrator up to 23.07.2019 of Recognised Junior High, High and Senior Madrasah in view of ensuing Parliamentary Election 2019.
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Bhavan’
DD-45, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700064
Memo:- 347/MC/19 Date: 02/04/2019
From: The Secretary,
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education.
To: The Heads of all recognised Junior High, High, and Senior Madrasah in West Bengal.
Sub: Postponement of Election for Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee/ Ad-hoc committee/ Organizing Committee/ Administrator up to 23.07.2019 of Recognised Junior High, High and Senior Madrasah in view of ensuing Parliamentary Election 2019 declared by Election Commission, Govt. of India.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 21 of West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education Act 1994. the President is pleased to notify for general information that in view of the Election in Parliamentary Constituencies, declared by the competent authority through notification and enforcement of Model Code of Conduct with effect from 10.03.2019 to 23.07.2019, the process of Constitution/ Reconstitution of the Managing Committee in Madrasahs shall remain suspended from the date of notification of the Model Code of Conduct to the date of declaration of result of the Election in the Parliamentary Constituencies.
Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education