
Medical Advance and Reimbursement – Power of Secretaries

Finance, 👁️ 261

Secretaries shall dispose of at their level the matters of approval for Medical Advance and Medical Reimbursement cases for the State Government employees upto an amount of Rs. 2.00 lakh in each case.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700001

No. 8749-F(Y) Dated: 18.10.2012


In continuation of this Department Office Order No. 134-F(Y) dated 04.01.2012, it is directed that the Special Secretaries; Additional Secretaries in charge of various Branches/ Groups, or where there are no Special Secretaries/ Additional Secretaries, the Joint Secretaries in charge of Branches/ Groups shall dispose of at their level the matters of approval for Medical Advance and Medical Reimbursement cases for the State Government employees upto an amount of Rs. 2.00 lakh in each case, provided Code Numbers against specific treatment are specified under the West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS), 2008 Approvals (a) in cases where Code Numbers are not specified in the application for claims, (b) for claims in relaxation of WBHS, 2008 and (c) for advances and claims in connection with medical reimbursement above Rs. 2.00 lakh will be put up to the Secretary, Finance Department after vetting by the Medical Cell of this Department.

Point No. (xi) under Para 2 of this Department Office Order No. 134-F(Y) dated 04.01.2012 shall stand modified by this order.

All other directions contained in the Office Order ibid shall continue to remain in force until further order.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 8749-F dated 18.10.2012

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