H1 bidders from the technically qualified private organisations who had applied for establishing Fair Price Outlet for medicines, consumables and implants in the select Government hospitals of the state.
Government of West Bengal Department of Health and Family Welfare MS Branch, PPP Cell Swasthya Bhavan, GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091
Subject: Offer Letter for establishment of PPP Fair Price Outlet (second phase) at selected 19 hospitals of the state.
Following the opening of the financial bids on 29.11.2013 to select the H1 bidders from the technically qualified private organisations who had applied for establishing Fair Price Outlet for medicines, consumables and implants in the select government hospitals of the state, please acknowledge (in writing) this letter as the offer upon acceptance of which the next course of actions will be undertaken.
The list of government hospitals along with the selected private organisations is enclosed herewith for your reference.
Following the receipt of this letter, the under-mentioned steps need to be taken from your end for making the outlets functional at the hospital end:
The legal agreement between you and the authority of the earmarked hospital would be finalised by the Department and uploaded in the Departmental website (www.wbhealth.gov.in). You may download the same for the purpose of signing.
The said agreement should be prepared by you in Hundred Rupees Non-Judicial Stamp Paper (along with continuation sheets) before signing.
The Possession Certificate needs to be finalized by you based on the format (provided in the draft agreement). This Certificate needs to be signed by the Superintendent and kept in your possession.
Upon receiving the earmarked space in ready-to-use condition from the hospital authority, the internal furnishing/furbishing of the same needs to be done by the concerned private party.
Simultaneous to the action points stated above, you should apply for the trade license from the local municipal authority, following which the drug license needs to be applied for and procured from the office of the Director, Drug Control.
Preparation of a list of manufacturers/ marketing organisations/ distributors for procurement of medicines/items as per the agreement needs to be done by the private party and submitted to the hospital authority within one month after signing of the legal agreement.
A suitable software package (discussed before and finalised by the Department of Health & Family Welfare) needs to be procured and installed in the computerized billing system of the Fair Price Outlet for conducting all types of transactions.
All these preparatory actions need to be completed and finalised so that the outlet might start functioning within 2 months of signing of the legal agreement.