
Precautions to Prevent Breeding of Mosquito Larva

Public Works, 👁️ 142

Construction sites have to be specially monitored so that mosquito larvae does not breed in the site. Debris should be removed regularly. No water should be allowed to remain stagnant at the site.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
‘NABANNA’ (8th floor),
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711 102

No. 232-W(C)/1M-253/19 Dated: 21.02.2019


Adequate precautions are required to be taken by Public Works Department to prevent breeding of mosquito larva in any building/ land/ other asset maintained by Public Works Department. The matter was reviewed by Hon’ble Chief Minister. All concerned of P.W.D. will ensure the following:-

i) All open pits where water might accumulate and remain stagnant are to be closed down immediately.

ii) Drainage is to be ensured so that water does not accumulate at any part.

iii) Construction sites have to be specially monitored so that mosquito larvae does not breed in the site. Debris should be removed regularly. No water should be allowed to remain stagnant at the site.

iv) Bleaching powder may be applied from time to time.

v) Air Condition Machines should be cleaned regularly and water accumulation prevented.

vi) Rubbish/ garbage/ debris should be removed.

vii) Unwanted vegetation should be removed.

Concerned Engineer Officers shall inspect the assets within their jurisdiction regularly and ensure that the above mentioned action is taken.

Pr. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 232-W dated 21.02.2019