
Prescribed Format for Submission of Information to Finance

Finance, 👁️ 378

All files related to financial matters are to be mandatorily routed through the Financial Advisor of the Department.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5304-F(Y) 25th August, 2017


Finance Department has issued circulars from time to time for submission of certain required information in a prescribed Format for better appreciation of the related proposals of the concerned Departments. However, it has been noticed that files are nonetheless being sent to the Finance Department without such specified Annexure/Proforma/Form/Report causing unnecessary delay in disposal of such files. Therefore, I am directed to reiterate that the specified Annexures/Proformas/Forms/Reports, duly filled up and authenticated by the Departments, are to be enclosed in file whenever such subject matters as mentioned in the respective Government Notification/ Memorandum are referred to the Finance Department:

Sl. No.SubjectRequired Format DetailsRespective Government OrderRemarks/ Additional requirements
1Drawal of AdvanceProforma for Drawal of AdvanceFD No. 9772(54)-F dt. 11.10.1990 read with Memo 4205-F dt. 12.05.2005To be signed by both the DDO & Controlling Officer
2Administrative Approval/ Revised Administrative Approval/ Release of fund/ Reappropriation/ Augmentation/ EAP/RIDF/Guarantee, etc.One or more of the Forms/ Statements- A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H as the case may be.F.D. No. 1037(65)- F.B/Q/1M-U/2011 dt. 16.05.2011Estimate to be vetted by the competent authority and countersigned by the requiring body/authority.

Certificate in respect of availability and possession of adequate quantum of land for the project.

Certificate regarding existing condition of the Building/ Structure (in case of repair/ renovation works).

3Acceptance of L1/H1/Single bid when the no. of qualified bidders is less than 3Annexure-I of FD Memo 4378-F(Y) 13.07.2017FD No. 925-F(Y) dt. 14.02.2017 read with FD No. 4378-F(Y) dt. 13.07.2017Signature/ recommendation of both FA and ACS/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary-in-Charge of the Department is required in Annexure-I
4New VehiclesReport as Memo 5824-F(Y) dt. 10.11.2016 and Proforma-IFD No. 5824-F(Y) dt. 10.11.2016
5New Telephone ConnectionDetailed report for all the existing telephone lines and broadband connections in office.Report as per FD No. 2455-F(Y) dt. 21.04.2017
6Procurement of goods/ services from a single source due to urgency or the item being proprietary in natureCertificate for procurement from single source or Proprietary Article Certificate, whichever is requiredF.D. No. 1956-F(Y) dt. 04.04.2014Comments of Departmental FA are required in the Certificate

All files related to financial matters are to be mandatorily routed through the Financial Advisor of the Department. Further, the point of reference for which the file is being sent to the Finance Department needs to be specified clearly without any ambiguity.

Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 5304-F dated 25.08.2017, Source

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