School Education, Teacher Eligibility Test
Teacher Eligibility Test (Primary) will be held on Sunday, the 30th March, 2014 in terms of Memo No. 146-SE dated 06.02.2014 of School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
A.P.C. Bhavan, DK-7/1, Sector – II, Saltlake City, Kolkata – 700 091
It is hereby notified that the Teacher Eligibility Test (Primary) will be held on Sunday, the 30th March, 2014 in terms of the Memo. No. 146-SE(EE)/10M-6/2009 dtd. 06.02.2014 of School Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal and as per the guidelines of the N.C.T.E vide No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad. dtd. 11.02.2011 throughout the State on a single day. Details regarding the application procedures, eligibility, time, venue, fees etc. for both the candidates applied for TET, 2012 and new candidates will be published in due course.
Date: 18.02.2014
Sd/- Secretary