Finance, DPPG , Provident Fund
In case of final withdrawal of accumulations in the Provident fund, interest shall he payable thereon to the employee or his nominee or legal heirs, as the case may be, up to the end of the month preceding which the payment is made.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department,
Audit Branch, Group T,
(E-file No. 919751)
No. 4045-F(Y) Date: 11.09.2024
Sub: Addendum of Point (4) in Para-2 (procedure for payment of Provident Fund interest) of FD Memo No. 4560-F dated 28.04.1992.
In order to bring uniformity in payment of interest on balances of Provident Fund of employees under Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Bodies and other similar institutions as mentioned in Annexure-A of this Department Memorandum No. 4357-F(e-Gov) dated 14.07.7023, a new Point after Point 3 mentioned in Sub-Para (ii) of Para-2 of FD Memo No. 4560-F dated 28.04.1992 is hereby inserted:
“In case of final withdrawal of accumulations in the Provident fund, interest shall he payable thereon to the employee or his nominee or legal heirs, as the case may be, up to the end of the month preceding which the payment is made or up to the end of the sixth month after the month in which such amount became payable, whichever is earlier.”
The respective Administrative Department may issue matching notifications for inclusion of the above-mentioned Para in their respective provident fund rules without making any further reference to this Department.
This order shall come into force with effect from 01st January, 2024.
Sd/- Prabhat Kumar Mishra, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal