
Progress of Aadhaar Enrolment in West Bengal


Progress of Aadhaar enrolment in West Bengal is presently 54% in the 0-5, 73% in the 5-18 and 105% in the 18+ age group have been issued Aadhaar numbers.

Govt. of West Bengal
Home and Hill Affairs Department
NPR Cell, Nabanna, Room No-510
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711 102

No. 189-Home(NPR)/O/Aad-07/16 Dated: 08.08.2017


Aadhaar numbers are being issued in India since September 2010 and are presently regulated as per provisions of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, benefits and services) Act, 2016. In particular, the Aadhaar number is issued under Section 3, and the identity of a person can be authenticated under Section 7, with certain provisos. Aadhaar numbers are used in a large number of schemes by the Govt. of India which directly affect the welfare of the people in the State. The absence of Aadhaar number may affect the ability of the people to avail the facility of such schemes. It is, therefore, important to ensure that all the residents are issued an Aadhaar number.

The progress of Aadhaar enrolment in West Bengal has been very good. Presently, 54% in the 0-5 age group, 73% in the 5-18 age group and 105% in the 18+ age group have been issued Aadhaar numbers in our State. The major focus is presently on the 0-5 and 5-18 age groups.

In this light, it has been decided that all those residents who have not yet enrolled for Aadhaar may be enrolled. All Depts. of the Govt. may provide suitable opportunities for enrolment in this regard.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Priyatu Mandal, IAS
Joint Secretary

No. 189-Home dated 08.08.2017