Proposal for Financial Grant for Government-aided Colleges
Higher Education, Tender 👁️ 191
Guidelines for submission of proposal for financial grant for purchase of books, furnitures, laboratory equipments, computer & its allied instruments, electrical fittings etc. of Government-aided Colleges.
Higher Education Department
College Sponsored Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
No. 696-Edn(CS)/10M-103/2014 Date: 26.08.2014
For expeditious release/utilization of Budget Grants for financial assistance to Government-aided Colleges and Institutions, the State Government in the Higher Education Department has decided to prescribe the following guidelines for submission of proposal for financial grant for purchase of books, furnitures, laboratory equipments, computer & its allied instruments, electrical fittings etc. of Government-aided Colleges for the current financial year, i.e., 2014-2015:-
- Photocopy of Resolution Book of Governing Body meeting containing specific Agenda and signatures of the members present in the meeting, duly authenticated by the Principal/ Teacher-in-charge.
- Utilization Certificate, in original, in prescribed format (as per Finance Department Memo No. 8327-F(Y) dated 03.10.2012), of last-received grant for any purpose from State- Government/ Government of India/ UGC, duly authenticated by the Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge.
- A Tender Notice inviting quotations from willing companies/concerns will be displayed at the College Notice Board. For the proposals amounting to Rs. 10,00,000/- or above, tender advertisement will be published in at least two daily newspapers, alongwith the notice board notification. In case of electrical equipments/ fittings etc., estimate, in original, vetted by the concerned Engineer of P.W.D (Electrical) Department (as admissible) and duly countersigned by the Principal/ Teacher-in-charge of the concerned College is to be submitted. Photocopy of Tender Notice displayed at the College Notice Board and newspaper cuttings of the tender advertisement (if applicable), duly authenticated by the Principal/ Teacher-in-charge is to be furnished alongwith the proposal.
- For purchase of books, the list of books should contain books published by the West Bengal State Book Board, which will be at least 25% of the total proposed amount.
- A comparative statement, in original, consisting of name & description of item, quantity of item, name of company, rate, acceptance of lowest rate etc., duly authenticated by the members of the Purchase Committee and Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge. Such statement will be prepared on the basis of at least 3 (three) lowest quotations. In absence of Purchase Committee in a Government-aided College, Signatures of at least 3 (three) Governing Body members are required to be placed on the Comparative Statement.
- At least 3 (three) sets of lowest rated quotations, in original.
- The proposal of such grant should be submitted to the Secretary, Higher Education Department not later than 29th September, 2014.
- The Government-aided Colleges, who had already submitted such proposals in the above mentioned format alongwith the said documents laid down in this order in the last financial year, may not submit their proposals again.
This order issues with the approval of the Secretary of this Department.
Sd/- Deputy Secretary
No. 696-Edn dated 26.08.2014
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