Government of West Bengal
Department of Health and Family Welfare
State Family Welfare Bureau
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29, Sector V
Salt Lake, Kolkata 700091
Memo. No. H/SFWB/21S-05-2013/3502 Dated: 17.10.2014
The Chief Medical Officer of Health,
All Health Districts,
Subject: Provision of Safe Abortion Care services through empanelled Private registered Medical Practitioners.
In the PIP of 2014-15, an activity named as “Scheme for Safe Abortion care” has been approved under FMR code: A.1.5.13. Under this activity, Safe Abortion Care Services will be provided through empanelled Private registered Medical Practitioners at public health facilities which do not have CAC trained MOs till date or will not be provided with CAC trained MOs in 2014-15 in the state. 127 such Public health facilities in the state have been identified already at which the mentioned service will be implemented in 2014-15. These facilities will be allotted @ Rs. 500/- per case for conducting MTP up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and @ Rs. 1000/- per case for conducting MTP above 12 weeks of pregnancy by empanelled Private registered Medical Practitioners at the facility. The empanelled Private registered Medical Practitioner will be paid 75% of allotted amount and the rest 25% will be retained by the Public facility for providing institutional support including incentive to staff nurses and Group D staffs for assistance in conducting the MTP cases and providing incentive to ASHA @ 5% of allotment per case for bringing MTP cases at the facility.
The district wise list of 127 facilities at which the above mentioned activity will be implemented is enclosed herewith in Annexure A. You are requested to arrange for district wise empanelment of Private registered Medical Practitioners having PG qualification in G&O or 1 year house staffship in G&O department in your district for providing MTP services at the facilities of your district mentioned in the above mentioned list. During empanelment of Private registered Medical Practitioners, the registration certificate from WBMC & certificate on PG qualification in G&O or 1 year house staffship in G&O department of any Govt. Hospital of the Private Medical Practitioners must be verified. The list of such empanelled Private registered Medical Practitioners to be submitted to the ADHS (Maternal Health) through e-mail ( urgently.
Commissioner, Family Welfare &
Secretary to Govt. of West Bengal
No. H-3502 dated 17.10.2014, Source
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