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Punctuality in Attendance in Government Office – Tiffin Break

Finance, 👁️ 438

Tiffin break between 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. is meant only for tiffin purpose and for no other purpose.

Finance Department
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah-711102

No. 3370-F(P2) Dated, Howrah, the 20th May, 2023


Sub: Punctuality in attendance in Government offices

In order to improve efficiency and discipline and also to avoid disturbances in Government offices working hours including tiffin break were defined vide Finance Department’s Memorandum No. 10670-F dated 16.10.1984 and No. 6994-F dated 03.07.1992.

It is now reiterated to ensure punctuality in attendance and also to avoid disturbances in Government offices that no officer or staff shall leave office during office hours except with the prior approval of the Head of Office and that tiffin break between 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. is meant only for tiffin purpose and for no other purpose. Any violation in this regard shall be strictly viewed and will be treated as ‘absent in office’ and action may be initiated as per rules.

Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3370-F dated 20.05.2023, Source