
Re-delegation of Financial Powers delegated by Finance

Finance, , 👁️ 450

Financial powers to incur different types of expenditure as delegated by Finance Department, cannot be further delegated to any subordinate officer without concurrence,

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Mandirtala, Howrah – 711102

No. 191-F(Y) Dated, the 10th January, 2017


Sub: Re-delegation of financial powers delegated by Finance Department

With a view to ensure smooth functioning of the offices under the State Government financial powers are delegated to the different hierarchy of officers of the various Departments. It has however been observed that the powers delegated by the Finance Department vide F.D. Notification No. 4411-F(Y) dated 04.06.2015, Notification No. 707-F(Y) dated 09.02.2016, etc. to the different levels of officers of the Administrative Departments are being re-delegated. As a result subordinate officers, to whom the powers are re-delegated, are enjoying financial powers not commensurate with their posts and responsibilities.

It has therefore been decided, in partial modification of Rule 18 of the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1977 issued vide F.D. Notification No. 9751-F dated 17.11.1977, that the financial powers to incur different types of expenditure as delegated to the different levels of officers of the Administrative Departments vide various orders issued by Finance Department, cannot be further delegated to any subordinate officer without concurrence of Finance Department. In order to incur expenditure beyond his delegated capacity the subordinate officers are required to obtain the approval, in each case, of the authority to whom power has been originally delegated.

Necessary amendment in the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1977 shall be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 191-F dated 10.01.2017, Source

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