
Re-designation of IAS Officers posted at State Government Departments


The Indian Administrative Service officers posted in the various Department in different capacity such as Joint Secretary/ Additional secretary shall now be re-designated in the following manner:

Government of West Bengal
Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms
I.A.S. Cell, Nabanna, 7th Floor, Room No. 708
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711102

No. 1962-PAR-IAS/8P-36/2010 (Pt-II) Dated, Howrah, 17th December, 2021


Subject:: Re-designation of IAS Officers while posted at the State Government Departments.

The Indian Administrative Service officers posted in the various Department in different capacity such as Joint Secretary/ Additional secretary shall now be re-designated in the following manner: :

(A) Direct recruit I.A.S. Officers (R.R) posted in the Department shall be designated as:

  1. The officers having upto Pay Level – 11 of current Pay Matrix – Joint Secretary
  2. The officers having in Pay Level – 12 of current Pay Matrix – Special Secretary
  3. The officers having in Pay Level – 13 of current Pay Matrix – Senior Special Secretary

(B) The I.A.S Officers who are promoted from WBCS (Exe.)/ Non-SCS, on appointment to I.A.S. shall be designated in the following manner:

  1. Special Commissioner in the rank of Special Secretary (Pay Level – 12 of current Pay Matrix)
  2. Senior Special Secretary (Pay Level – 13 of current Pay Matrix)

This order supersedes this Department’s existing memorandum No. 1369-PAR(IAS)/8P-36/2010(Part) dated 23.06.2014 and shall take immediate effect.

Sd/- B.P. Gopalika
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1962-PAR dated 17.12.2021