
Recruitment of Primary Teachers from TET, 2014

School Education, , ,

The application form will be available online in the websites: www.wbsed.gov.in, www.wbbpe.org on and from 6 P.M. on 30.09.2016 to 07.10.2016.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
A.P.C. Bhavan, DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 2202/BPE/2016 Date: 26.09.2016


In continuation of our Notice No. 2200/BPE/2016 dtd. 24.09.2016 this is notify further to all concerned that online applications are invited from TET, 2014 qualified candidates of West Bengal seeking appointment for the posts of Assistant Teachers of a particular Council only, in the Govt. Aided/ Sponsored Primary/ Junior Basic Schools under the District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council to fill up the 42,949 vacancies as mentioned below. The selection and appointment of the candidates will be made in terms of West Bengal Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules, 2016 as amended upto date notified vide No. 190-SE/EE/10M-06/2009(Pt.) dtd. 02.03.2016.

1. Any candidate shall be allowed to apply for the post of a primary school teacher of a particular Council only against the post advertised.

2. Scale of Pay: Rs. 5400/- Rs.25200/-+Grade Pay as admissible. Besides pay, the posts carry allowances as admissible.

3. Qualification: (a) Citizenship of India or such other nationalities as are declared eligible by Government of India and has completed the age of 18years as on 1st day of January of the year of advertisement and has not completed the age of 40 years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement; (b) Higher Secondary pass under the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) in accordance with the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Procedure) or (c) Graduation (irrespective of marks obtained therein) and two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)and qualified TET; (d) Ability to read, write and speak in the language relating to the medium for which the candidate wishes to apply.

Note 1. – The persons qualified TET and having qualification of Higher Secondary pass under the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent with at least 50% marks or graduate (irrespective of marks obtained therein) without 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) in accordance with the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition Norms and Procedure) also be eligible to apply for appointment of primary school teachers in the State, subject to condition that those who will be appointed without professional qualification shall acquire the professional qualification within a period of two (2) years from the year of appointment.

Note 2. – Any candidate seeking appointment to the post of primary school teacher shall have studied and passed in the specific language as the first or second language in the Higher Secondary Level or equivalent for which medium of instruction, the candidate is seeking appointment.

Provided that in case of Santhali as medium of instruction, the candidate shall only require to possess proficiency of reading, writing and speaking in OLCHIKI SCRIPTS. It shall not be obligatory for the candidates seeking appointment to the post of primary school teacher in Santhali medium schools to have passed in the specific language as the first or the second language in the Higher Secondary Level or equivalent for which medium of instruction, the candidate is seeking appointment.

Note3. – All candidates must have studied and obtained Madhyamik (Secondary) Pass Certificate or its equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects.

Candidates belonging to reserved categories SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PH/EC/Ex-Servicemen shall be allowed relaxation upto 5% in the qualifying marks.

4. In the matter of appoint priority shall be given to those eligible candidates who possess the minimum qualifications as specified by the National Council for Teacher Education and MHRD and thereafter, the eligible candidates with the relaxed qualification specified by the MHRD, may be considered.

5. Procedure of Selection:

(a) The Selection Committee after prima facie scrutiny of the duly filled application forms submitted by the candidate having requisite qualification shall notify the date, time and place for scrutiny/ verification of the testimonials of the applicants those who have duly filled in online application form for appointment, (b) Thereafter, the Selection Committee shall notify the date, time and place for the Viva-Voce/ interview and Aptitude Test of all qualified candidates, (c) The performance of the candidates who will be called for Viva-Voce/ interview and Aptitude test shall be assessed by the interview Board formed for the specific purpose, (d) Thereafter, academic qualifications, training, performance in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), Extra Curricular Activities, Viva-Voce or interview and Aptitude test or teaching experience in case of Para-Teacher, shall be computed in the following manner as mentioned in Table A below:-

(i)Madhyamik pass under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent05
(ii)Hig her Secondary pass under the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent10
(iii)Training as prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 615
(iv)Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)05
(v)Extra Curricular Activities05
(vi)Viva-Voce or Interview05
(vii)(a) Aptitude Test05
(b) Teaching experience of Para-Teacher

Note 1. – The percentage of marks to the total full marks obtained by the candidate in the Madhyamik Examination or its equivalent excluding additional marks, if any, shall be computed as percentage of 05.

Note 2. – The percentage of marks to the total full marks obtained by the candidate in the H.S. Examination or its equivalent excluding additional marks, if any, shall be computed as percentage of 10.

Note 3. – The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the relevant TeacherTraining shall be reduced proportionately to marks obtained out of 15

Note 4. – The percentage of marks obtained by a candidate in the TET Examination shall be reduced proportionately to marks obtained out of 05.

Note 5. – Marks out of maximum five (5) marks as mentioned in Sl. No. (v) of Table-A, shall be awarded to the candidates, including Para-Teacher, in the following manner:-

1Games and Sports1
2National Cadet Corps (NCC)1
3Arts and Literature1
4Performinq Art (Drama)1

(a) A certificate of representation in the State/National/International level Games or Sports issued by the Competent State Govt. or Central Government Authorities or agencies, shall be awarded (01) mark.

(b) Minimum ‘A’ certificate of National Cadet Corps (NCC) shall be awarded (01) mark.

(c) A certificate that any essay, story, short story, drama, poetry written by the candidate selected for publication in State Level or National newspaper or Magazine (Certificate along with a copy of publication shall be submitted), shall be awarded (01) mark.

(d) A certificate that the candidate has obtained proficiency in Performing Art (drama) issued by National School of Drama or by the State Government or Central Government shall be awarded (01) mark.

(e) A certificate that the candidate has obtained proficiency in Music or Instrumental Music issued by the State Government or Central Government shall be awarded (01) mark

Note 6. – Marks out of maximum five (5) marks in Sl. No. (vii)(b) of Table-A, shall be awarded to the Para-Teacher candidates, in the following manner:-

Sl. No.For Teaching Experience of Para-TeacherMarks
1Experience above 10 years, or5
2Experience above 8 years and below 10 years, or4
3Experience above 6 years and below 8 years, or3
4Experience above 4 years and below 6 years, or2
5Experience below 4 years1

Note 7. – The experience certificate of the Para-teacher in respect of earmarked posts, shall be issued by the District Project Officer, Paschim Banga Sarva Siksha Mission or the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO), verifiable by the District Police Authority, if necessary. (The Para-Teachers serving at present in various Primary Schools in the State).

6. Application Fees: Rs. 200/- (Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PH).

7. This Appointment Notification is also available in the website: www.wbsed.gov.in.

8. The application form will be available online in the websites: www.wbsed.gov.in, www.wbbpe.org on and from 6P.M. on 30.09.2016 to 07.10.2016.

9. The procedure for filling up the online application form will be available on the aforesaid websites.

The date, time and place of scrutiny/ verification of the testimonials and Viva-Voce/ Interview and Aptitude Test of the qualified candidates will be notified in due course.

W.B. Board of Primary Education

No. 2202/BPE dated 26.09.2016

District-wise, Category-wise and Medium-wise Vacancy Statements


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