
Recruitment Rules to the Group B post of Consumer Welfare Officer

Consumer Affairs, 👁️ 358

The Method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the Posts of Consumer Welfare Officer in the Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices, Govt. of West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Consumer Affairs Department
11A, Mirza Ghalib Stree
Kolkata – 700 087


No. 1627-CA Date: 02.09.2004

In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules regulating the recruitment to the Group-B post of Consumer Welfare Officer in the Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices under the Consumer Affairs Department, Government of West Bengal.


The Method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the Posts of Consumer Welfare Officer in the Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices, Govt. of West Bengal shall be as detailed below:-

1. Method of recruitment:

i) By selection (direct recruitment on the results of the Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal;

ii) By promotion from amongst the Upper Division Clerks & Typist Grade-I of the Directorate of Consumer Affairs & Fair Business Practices having put in at least 5 (five) years service as such or Upper Division Clerk or Typist Grade-I and other analogous posts drawing pay in the Scale of Upper Division Clerk in the erstwhile Directorate of Entry Tax and/ or Directorate of Revenue Intelligence – taken together.

Provided that not more than 30% of the posts of Consumer Welfare Officers shall be filled up by promotion and that it shall not the necessary to consult the Public Service Commission,

West Bengal in regard to promotion to the posts in accordance with regulation 3A of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1955.

2. Age and qualifications for Direct Recruitment:

The age and qualification for direct recruitment shall be as prescribed for Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd /- N.R. Banerjee
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 1627-CA dated 02.09.2004, Source

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