No. 70 Dated, Calcutta: 4th June, 1969
In exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to article 309 of the constitution of India and in supersession of all previous rules and orders issues on the subject, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules for the regulation of recruitment to posts of Dy. Director of the River Research Institute, West Bengal under the deptt. of I.&W. Government of West Bengal namely: –
1. These rules shall supply to recruitment to the posts of Deputy Director, River Research Institute, West Bengal, borne in the West Bengal General Service, and shall take effect from the date of this notification.
Part – I
2 (i) The existing posts of C.R.Os (both permanent & temporary) in groups ‘A’ (Hydraulics) ‘B’ (Soil Mechanics & Chemistry) ‘C’ (Statistics) of the River Research Institute, West Bengal shall be re-designated as Deputy Director in the respective groups.
(ii) The existing permanent post of Deputy Director in the River Research Institute, West Bengal shall be re-designated as Deputy Director (Engg.)
Part – II
3. (i) The rules for recruitment to the posts of C.R.O. of the River Research Institute, West Bengal as promulgated in the I.&.W. Deptt. Notification No. 57 dated the 17.05.1957 (as amended from time to time) shall apply Mutatis (permanent and temporary) in groups ‘A’ (Hydraulics) ‘B’ (Soil Mechanics & Chemistry) ‘C’ (Statistics) of the River Research Institute, West Bengal.
(ii) Recruitment to the post of Deputy Director (Engg.) shall be made by selection (direct recruitment) departmental candidates being allowed to apply.
(iii) Qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Deputy Director (Engineering);
(A) Essential:-
(i) A First Class degree in Civil Engineering of a recognized University or equivalent and
(ii) 5 years practical Engineering experience of construction.
(B) Desirable: – Laboratory training in research and Model experiments on hydraulic structures of experience in operating and running canals; maintenance of drainage cannels and river training.
(C) Age: Ordinarily not more than 40 years, relaxable in suitable cases.
Note: – In the event of selection of a departmental candidate, the selected candidate before he is appointed substantively to the post of Deputy Director (Engineering) shall be required:-
(a) To give his written consent to the termination of his lien if any, held by him on his substantive post in the West Bengal Senior Service of Engineering (Irrigation) of in the West Bengal Service of Engineers (Irrigation) under the I & W Deptt. Government of West Bengal &
(b) to forego in writing his claim for confirmation, promotion etc. to another post belonging to the West Bengal service of Engineers (Irrigation) under the I&W Deptt. Government of West Bengal as the case may be.
(iv) Appointing authority:- Government on the recommendations of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
Part – III
As regards matters not provided for in the preceding rules the General provisions of the Bengal General Service recruitment Rules shall apply.
By Order of the Governor,
A.K. Majuumder
Secy. To the Govt. of W.B.
No. 70 dated 04.06.1969, Source
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