
Recruitment Rules of English Stenographer [Basic Grade]

Finance, Staff Selection Commission, ,

Appointments to the posts of English Stenographer [Basic Grade] shall be made through an open competitive examination to be held by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission.

Government of West Bengal
Finance [Audit] Department, 10th floor
Mandirtala, Howrah – 711 102

No. 1182-F(H). Dated, Howrah the 29th February, 2016.


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following amendment in the rules regulating recruitment to the post of English Stenographer [Basic Grade] in the Secretariat Departments, Directorates and other Sub-ordinate offices under the Government of West Bengal, published with this Department Notification No. 9650-F, dated 22.08.1989, as subsequently amended [hereinafter referred to as the said rules]:-


In the said rules-

A. for rule 3, substitute the following rule:-

“3. Manner of recruitment: Appointments to the posts of English Stenographer [Basic Grade] in Schedule ‘A’ and Schedule ‘B’ shall be made of the results of an open competitive examination to be held by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”;

B. in rule 4, for clause [ii], substitute the following clause:-

“[ii] for Schedule ‘B’ Posts – Deputy Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal”;

C. for rule 5, substitute the following rule:-

“5. Qualifications: Every candidate for direct recruitment shall have-

(a) passed Madhyamik Examination of the West Bengal Board or Secondary Education or its equivalent; and (b) knowledge in Computer Literacy”.;

D. for rule 6, substitute the following rule:-

“6. Age: Every candidate for direct recruitment shall attain the minimum age of 18 [eighteen] years and shall not exceed the maximum age of 32 [thirty two] years on the 1st day of January of the year of advertisement. Relaxation of upper age-limit may be granted as per extant rules of the Government of West Bengal in respect of the candidate belonging to the Schedule Casts, the Schedule Tribes, the Other Backward Classes [Group A and Group B] or other reserved categories such as Physically Handicapped and Ex-servicemen;

E. in rule 7, –

[1] in sub-rule (a), for the words “the Public Service Commission, West Bengal occurring in two places, substitute the words, the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”.

[2] in sub-rule (c), –

[i] for clause [iii] substitute the clause :-

[iii] Paper-III: Computer Typing ……………………100 marks;

[ii] in the proviso, for the words “the Public Service Commission, West Bengal”, substitute the words “the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”;

[3] after the proviso, add the following Note:-

“NOTE – The Commission may fix qualifying marks in Paper-I, Paper – II, Paper – III in the separate and in the aggregate and may relax such qualifying marks in respect of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes or other Backward Classes [Group A Group B] or other reserved categories such as Physically Handicapped and Ex servicemen in West Bengal”.;

[4] in sub rule (d) –

[i] for clause [ii] substitute the following clause:-

“[ii] Paper-II: Dictation and Transcription – this paper shall consist of dictation lasting for 10 minutes followed by transcription of Shorthand notes in computer in one hour time. The dictation shall be given through-out at a uniform speed of 80 words per minute. The number of errors admissible shall be fixed by the; West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”.;

[ii] for clause [iii] substitute the following clause:-

“[iii] Paper-III: Computer Typing- The candidates are required to type front a manuscript accurately on the Computer at the rate of not less than 35 words per minute. The time limit for this paper shall be 10 minutes.”;

F. in rule 9, for the words “the Public Service Commission, West Bengal”, substitute the words “the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”;

G. In rule 10, for the words “the Public Service Commission, West Bengal”, occurring in two places, substitute the words “the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission”;

This Order issues with the approval of the cabinet vide U.O. No. D/2592 dated 24.02.2016.

By Order of the Governor

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary
Finance Department

No. 1182-F dated 29.02.2016, Source