Irrigation and Waterways, Recruitment , Zilladar
Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Zilladar (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation and Waterways, Government of West Bengal.
Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department
Writers’ Buildings, Calcutta
No. 54-I Dated, Calcutta, the 5th September, 1979
In exercise of the power conferred by the provision to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make in supersession of previous rules the following rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Zilladar (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation and Waterways, Government of West Bengal.
Rules regulating the recruitment to the posts of Zilladar (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation and Waterways, Government of West Bengal.
Part – I
(1) Those rules shall apply to the posts of Zilladar (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation and Waterways, Government of West Bengal.
(2) This shall come into force at once.
Part – II
The posts of Zilladar (Irrigation) under the Department of Irrigation and Waterways , Government of West Bengal shall constitute the cadre of Zilladar (Irrigation).
The Chief Engineer, Irrigation and Waterways Directorate shall be the appointing authority.
Part – III
(1) By selection (Direct recruitment) departmental candidates being eligible to apply.
(2) By promotion from the post of Revenue Tahasildars and Revenue Mohurrirs under the Irrigation and Waterways Directorate.
Provided that not more than 60% of the total posts (Permanent and temporary taken together) shal l be filled up by promotion.
(1) A Degree of a recognized University.
(2) 2 years experience in Land Management, Survey and in Accounts works, relaxable for otherwise well qualified and experienced candidates.
A panel of Revenue Tahasildars and Revenue Mohurrirs of the Irrigation and Waterways Directorate who are considered fit for promotion to the post of Zilladar in that Directorate shall be maintained by the Chief Engineer (Irrigation), West Bengal subject to the periodical revision on basis of annual reports and conducts.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- S.B Ghosh
Special Officer (Revenue)
& Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary