Reforms in Maintenance of Group Insurance cum Savings Scheme
Governor is pleased to constitute a Committee with the following members to monitor and implement the reforms:
Governor is pleased to constitute a Committee with the following members to monitor and implement the reforms:
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department Nabanna, 12th Floor
325, SaratChatterjee Road, Howrah-711102
No:- 3528-F(e-Gov) Date:- 07-08-2024
Sub:- Reforms in Maintenance of Group Insurance cum Savings Scheme (GISS) of State Government Employees
Group Insurance cum Savings Scheme (GISS) of State Government employees are presently covered under two schemes, viz. GISS 1983 implemented vide Memo No. 2811 (300)-F dated 10.03.1983 and GISS 1987 implemented vide Memo No. 825-F dated 31.01.1987 of Finance Department, Government of West Bengal, respectively. In the above two schemes, information pertaining to individual subscriber data on accumulation of subscriptions, accrued interest thereon and final withdrawal (entitlement at cessation of service) from the said schemes are currently not available. Moreover, there is no dedicated section to deal with matters of Group Insurance of State Government employees in the Directorate of Pension Provident Fund & Group Insurance (DPPG) for maintaining subscriber-wise record.
The necessity to bring in reforms in maintenance of GISS of State Government employees has been under the active consideration of the State Government. The reforms will aim at shifting the base entity in respect of GISS from Treasury to a subscriber-based model similar to the GPF system. It will also include the development of a subscriber based GISS module in IFMS environment with DPPG as the Nodal Authority to control and manage the GISS balances under 8011 head of account.
The new system will provide benefits wherein subscribers will be able to access their Group Insurance statements depicting the GISS balance, subscription and interest amounts in real time.
Now, the Governor is pleased to constitute a Committee with the following members to monitor and implement the reforms:
The brief description of the role and responsibilities of the Committee has been given in Annexure-A. The Committee shall start functioning with immediate effect.
Sd/- Dr Manoj Pant, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal
G.O: No:- 3528-F(e-Gov) Date:-07-08-2024
Role and responsibilities of the Committee for Reforms in Group Insurance cum Savings Scheme (GISS) maintenance of State Government employees:
No. 3528-F dated 07.08.2024, Source