
Registration by DDO under GST as Deductor of Tax


All the DDOs of West Bengal are hereby directed to get themselves registered and obtain a GSTIN as a tax deductor in the portal www.gst.gov.in by using their PAN/TAN.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 4406-F(Y) Dated, the 14th July, 2017.

Sub: Registration under GST as deductor of tax

In the Memo No. 1015 dated 28.6.2017 of DTA (Annexure I) it has already been informed that no deduction of STDS or TCS under the WBVAT Act, 2003 shall be made w.e.f. 01.07.2017. Further, the similar provision for deduction of TDS under the GST Law has not yet been made operational and so no deduction on account of CGST/SGST/IGST shall be made by DDOs of West Bengal Government and Local Authorities, Statutory bodies, autonomous institutions, PSUs, etc under the administrative control of Government of West Bengal until further communication.

In the meantime all the DDOs of West Bengal Government and Local Authorities, Statutory bodies, autonomous institutions, PSUs, etc under the administrative control of Government of West Bengal, are hereby directed to get themselves registered and obtain a GSTIN [Goods & Services Tax Identification Number] as a tax deductor through electronic process in the portal www.gst.gov.in by using their PAN/TAN. This will facilitate immediate implementation of the TDS provisions under GST when the same are made effective.

In case of any query one may contact the Officials of STDS Cell, Office of the Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, West Bengal, 2nd Building, 1st Floor, Room Nos. 102 & 119, 14 Beliaghata Road, Kolkata 700 015 at (033)7122-1128 to 1132 or mail at stds.comtax@gmail.com or stds.comtax@wbcomtax.gov.in.

Sd/- H.K.Dwivedi, IAS
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4406-F dated 14.07.2017, Source