Information and Cultural Affairs, Advertisement
All approved advertisements, in ready to release format (for both print & electronic media) be mailed to at least 3 days prior to the date of release.
“NABANNA”, (9th Floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Mandirtala, Shibpur, Howrah-711102
Memo No. 1475/Pr.S/ICA Date: 31.03.2017
The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary
………………………………………………… Department
Sub: Modalities to be followed by all Departments for releasing advertisement through Information & Cultural Affairs Department
Ref: No. 1464/Pr.S/ICA/17, Dated- 10/03/2017 of Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
Regarding the Chief Secretary’s circular on ad policy, the following procedure may kindly be followed without fail.
1. All approved advertisements, in ready to release format (for both print & electronic media) be mailed to at least 3 days prior to the date of release.
2. Display advertisements (with the due approval of CMO, wherever required) should be sent in 300 dpi or higher resolution, either in .pdf or .jpeg format.
Such advertisements must be in multiples of 4 cm in width, and the length may be as per requirement.
3. Tender/Notice advertisements should be sent in abridged form in small font size. Standard size of the same should again be in multiples of 4 cm in width, & will be of minimum length.
4. In case of advertisements in electronic media (TV or radio) all files should be in MP4 format. Files larger than 20 MB to be sent through WE Transfer.
5. The letter from the requiring departments should contain the full postal address and landline no. of the office and contact no. & email id of the co-ordinating officer.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Atri Bhattacharya
Principal Secretary