
Re-organization of Caretaking Establishments of Govt. Buildings

Public Works,

Re-organize the Caretaking Estts. of Writers’ Buildings, New Sectt. Buildings, Bhavani Bhavan, Khadya Bhavan and CSTC Buildings for Caretaking as well as Maintenance & Construction.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 135, Dated: 08.08.2013


These are 05 (five) nos. of official buildings/premises under PW Dte., the Caretaking as well as Maintenance & Construction of which are looked after by different Circles and Divisions under PWD as detailed below:

Sl. No.Name of the building/premisesMaintenance & construction of building is looked after byCaretaking is looked after byDDO in respect of caretaking staff
1.Writers’ BuildingsExecutive Engineer-I, City Divn., PWDAsstt. Chief Engineer-I, PWDAccounts Officer, PWD
2.New Sectt. BuildingsExecutive Engineer, West Kolkata Divn., PWDSuburban Divn., PWD under Presidency Cle-II, PWDExecutive Engineer-I, Suburban Divn., PWD
3.Bhavani BhavanExecutive Engineer, Alipur Divn., PWDSuperintending Engineer, State Hwy Planning Cle., PW (R) Dte.TA to SE, State Hwy Planning Cle., PWD
4.11A, Mirza Ghalib Street (Khadya Bhavan)Executive Engineer,Kolkata Constn. Divn., PWDAlipur Divn., PWD under Southern Cle., PWDExecutive Engineer-I,Alipur Divn., PWD
5.45, Ganesh Ch. Avenue (CSTC Buildings)Executive Engineer, Central Kolkata Divn., PWDSuperintending Engineer,Eastern Circle, PWDTA to SE, Eastern Cle, PWD

2. The matter of re-organization of Caretaking Estts. of those 05 (five) buildings specially for looking after and controlling both the Caretaking Estt. as well as maintenance and construction of those buildings by the same authority in the interest of proper up keeping and maintenance of those buildings was under actual consideration of the State Govt. for quite some time past.

3. Now, after careful consideration of the matter as a whole, the Governor is pleased, in the interest of public service to re-organize the Caretaking Estts. of those buildings, so far, as it relates to looking after & controlling of Caretaking Estt. as well as maintenance & construction of those buildings by the same authority, in the manner as laid down below:

Sl. No.Name of the building/premisesCaretaking and Maintenance & construction of building is to be looked after byAppointing authority of the re-organized Caretaking Estt.DDO in respect of re-organized Caretaking Estt.
1.Writers’ BuildingsExecutive Engineer-I, City Divn., PWDSE, Presidency Cle.-I, PWDExecutive Engineer-I, City Divn., PWD
2.New Sectt. BuildingsExecutive Engineer, West Kolkata Divn., PWDSE, Presidency Cle.-I, PWDExecutive Engineer, West Kolkata Divn., PWD
3.Bhavani BhavanExecutive Engineer, Alipur Divn., PWDSE, Southern Cle., PWDExecutive Engineer, Alipur Divn., PWD
4.11A, Mirza Ghalib Street (Khadya Bhavan)Executive Engineer,Kolkata Constn. Divn., PWDSE, Presidency Cle.-II, PWDExecutive Engineer,Kolkata Constn. Divn., PWD
5.45, Ganesh Ch. Avenue (CSTC Buildings)Executive Engineer, Central Kolkata Divn.-I, PWDSE, Presidency Cle.-I, PWDExecutive Engineer, Central Kolkata Divn.-I, PWD

4. In case the post of Caretaker remains vacant of any of the said 05 (five) buildings, one of the Sub-Assistant Engineers under the concerned Division under which the looking after of the Caretaking Estt. of that building is vested, shall be entrusted with the duty to look after the works of Caretaker till the post is filled up on a regular basis.

5. The appointing authority for the post of Caretaker/Addl. Caretaker/Asstt. Caretaker of these buildings shall be the Deputy Secretary -II, Public Works Department and the controlling authority & DDO shall be the Executive Engineer of the concerned Division under whose jurisdiction the Caretaking Esstt. of the building is vested.

6. The monitoring of Circle cadres as well as cadres of Caretaking staff in Writers’ Buildings due to this re-organisation will be in the following manner:-

Services of all the existing Circle cadre/ cadre of Caretaking staff in Writers’ Buildings employees under PWD shall continue to be maintained in the same Establishment. However service of the number of posts of any particular establishment cadre who get posted to other Circle due to this re-organisation shall be treated as deemed deputation. This would not adversely affect the seniority or promotion prospect of any staff under lending establishment in any manner. The following service conditions are to be maintained:

i) Existing promotional prospects and seniority of the employees in different cadres under existing establishment shall remain unaltered till the end of their service in the same establishment as before the re-organisation.

ii) Existing vacant number of such basic grade post/posts in the basic grade in the Circle cadres /cadres of Caretaking staff in Writers’ Buildings under lending establishment in the category shall not be filled up.

iii) Existing vacant number of such basic grade post/posts of all such cadres under lending establishment shall be converted to the equivalent basic grade post/posts in the Circle cadres under borrowing Circle. Such conversion of posts must be in the same designation with same scale of pay.

iv) Number of such basic grade post/posts of all such cadres under lending establishment as and when will fall vacant by way of promotion or retirement or otherwise shall forth with be converted to the equivalent post/posts in the Circle cadres under borrowing Circle.

7. This re-organization will take effect from 01.09.2013.

8. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Deptt. vide their U.O. No. 1869 of Group-P2 dated 26.07.2013 read with U.O. No. 720 of Group-T dated 06.08.2013 respectively.

Sd/- P.P.KAR
Deputy Secretary-I to the
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 135 dated 08.08.2013