
Result of D.El.Ed Part – II Examination for Session 2020-2022

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All the candidates are requested to visit either of the two above-noted websites and click on the link: RESULT OF D.El.Ed PART-II-EXAMINATION-2020-2022

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 325/WBBPE/D.El.Ed./2022 Date: 30/12/2022


This is to notify to all concerned that the result of the D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination, held in the month of November-2022 of the session 2020-2022, is published herewith. The result will be available on the following websites:

All the candidates are requested to visit either of the two above-noted websites and click on the link: “RESULT OF D.El.Ed PART-II- EXAMINATION-2020-2022” and thereafter, to enter the valid Registration Number, Roll and Number in the appropriate space, provided, to obtain their result/status.

It is further to notify that scanned copies of the mark-sheets of the said D.El.Ed Part-II Examination of the Session – 2020-2022, prepared digitally, will also be available on and from 9th of January, 2023 in the login of the respective Institutes for handing over to the bona-fide students in order to enable them to submit a copy of the same with the application for PPR (Post Publication Review)/ PPS (Post Publication Scrutiny), if any, within the stipulated time, preferably by 24th of January, 2023.The date/s of issuance of the Mark Sheets of the said D.El.Ed Part-II Examination will be notified shortly.

(a) The prescribed PPR/PPS forms will be available on and from 9th of January, 2023 in the log-ins of the concerned Institutions.

(b) The filled-in-applications (PPR/PPS) will be accompanied with a Bank Draft, drawn on a nationalised bank in favour of “West Bengal Board of Primary Education”, payable at Kolkata, for payment of prescribed fees.

(c) Necessary bank details for online transfer of the prescribed fees will be available in the application form for PPR/PPS.

The students who have failed or who remain “NC/withheld”, are requested to contact the Head of the concerned institution immediately for necessary procedures.

Sd/- Dr. R.C. Bagchi

No. 325-WBBPE dated 30.12.2022, Source

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