
Retro-fitment of Speed Limiting Device in Existing Vehicles


The SLD manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall, at the time of fitment of SLD in a vehicle, require to generate a Unique Identification Number for the SLD installed in each vehicle.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkaia – 700 001

No. 1939(50)-WT/3M-69/2007 (Pt.I) Date. 22.05.2017

From: B. Dasgupta
OSD and ex-officio Special Secretary.

To: 1. The Director, Transport Directorate.
2. The Registering Authority (All).

Subject: Retro-fitment of Speed Limiting Device (SLD) in existing transport vehicles.


I am directed to forward once more the copies of MoRTH guidelines dated 16-6-2016 and its advisory vide No.RT-11017/13/2005-MVL, dated 10-2-2017, and this Department Notification No. 2559-WT/3M-75/2013, dated 29.07.2016 for your perusal. Further, the Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety has issued direction in the matter vide No. F-15/2016/CoRS, dated 11-4-2017, copy of which is enclosed. Obligatory part of the said direction includes the following:

  1. The Speed Limiting Device (SLD) shall be type approved by the authorised testing agencies as per CMVR.
  2. The SLD manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall, at the time of fitment of SLD in a vehicle, require to generate a Unique Identification Number for the SLD installed in each vehicle.
  3. The SLD manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall engrave on the SLD the Registration Number of the vehicle in which it is fitted so that same SLD is not used or fitted in any other vehicle.
  4. The SLD fitted/installed in a vehicle shall be sealed forthwith.
  5. The manufacturer or his dealer/agent shall have MIS in place and he shall submit a monthly report to the concerned MV office within first week of the following month.
  6. The Unique Identification Number of SLD and the manufacturer’s name shall be uploaded along with the particulars of the vehicle in the Vahan database.

I am further directed to state that in case of any doubt the Registering Authorities or the SLD manufacturers or their dealers/agents, as the case may be, will seek clarification and guidance from the below mentioned State-level Committee.

a) Director, Transport Directorate – Chairman
b) Chief Mechanical Engineer, WBTC – Member
c) Assistant Director (Technical), PVD, Kolkata – Member
d) Shri CK Banerjee, Nodal Officer, Transport Department – Member-Convenor.

Yours faithfully,

OSD & E.O. Special Secretary
Transport Department

No. 1939 dated 22.05.2017

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