
Revised Enhanced Remuneration of part-time Karmabandhus

Finance, 👁️ 1480

Governor has been pleased to decide that remuneration of part-time Karmabandhus paid out of contingency would be enhanced to Rs. 5,000/- per month.

Finance Department
Audit Branch
Mandirtala, 325, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711 102
Email ID: finreceipt-wb@bangla.gov.in

No.: 4624-F(P2) Dated: 14.11.2024


In terms of Finance Department Memo No. 7284-F(P2)/FA/O/2M-l dated 27/11/2017 remuneration of Part-time Karmabandhu paid out of contingency was enhanced to Rs. 3,000/- per month w.e.f 01/01/2018.

The question of revision of remuneration of part-time Karmabandhus was under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

Now the Governor has been pleased to decide that remuneration of part-time Karmabandhus paid out of contingency would be enhanced to Rs. 5,000/- per month.

No other allowance would be admissible to them.

This order shall take effect from 01.09.2024.

Sd/- Pravat Kumar Mishra
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4624-F dated 14.11.2024, Source