
Model Sanction Order for Final Payment of GISS 1983 and 1987

Finance, , 👁️ 578

Model Sanction Order Forms as prescribed in Accounting Procedure to Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983 and 1987 were introduced for making final payment on retirement/ cessation of employment or in case of death.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4761-F(J) Dated: 07.06.2010.


Subject: Updating of Model Sanction Order Forms for final payment under GISS, 1983 and GISS, 1987.

The undersigned is directed to say that Model Sanction Order Forms as prescribed in Annexures ‘K’ & ‘L’ of the Accounting Procedure to Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983 (vide Finance Department’s Memo No. 6355-F dated 18.05.1983) and also as prescribed in Annexures ‘G’ & ‘H’ of the Accounting Procedure to GISS, 1987 (vide Finance Department’s Memo No. 11099-F dated 08.10.1987) were introduced for making final payment on retirement/cessation of employment or in case of death. The question of updating of the said Forms has been under consideration for some time past.

The Governor is now pleased to prescribe the revised Model Sanction Order Forms mentioned above and appended herewith for the same purpose.

Forms should be used in individual cases appropriate to the nature of case and to the applicable scheme.

Sd/- P.M. Samadder
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

Government of West Bengal
……………… Department
Office …………………

No. ………………. Date: …………………


Sub: Claims under the West Bengal State Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983 – claim in respect of death of …………………….. (name of the deceased employee), ………………. (designation), …………………………. (name of Office)

In terms of the power vested under Para 11.2 of the West Bengal State Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983 issued with Finance Department Memo No. 2811 (350)-F dated 10.03.1983, sanction is hereby accorded to a total sum of Rs…………………… Rupees. ……………………………..) only comprising the amounts detailed below in full and final settlement of the entitlements under the aforesaid Scheme arising out of the demise of …………………………………. (name of the deceased employee) who was holding the post of ……………………………. (designation) in the office of ………………………………… (name of the office) prior to his death.

Details of entitlements

(i) Insured amount …………. Rs. ………………

(ii) Accumulated amount in the Savings Fund of 1983 Scheme for the period from …………………..(month of joining GISS, 1983) to ……………. (month of death) along with interest @ 6% p.a. …. Rs. ………………..

Less: Recovery (*) of outstanding dues towards Insurance Fund and Savings Fund (if any)

Rs …………………

Total Rs. ………………….

Rupees …………………………………………. (in words) only

(*) The amount so recovered requires to be booked in the respective unit of GISS Fund for which that has been recovered.

2. Late …………………………………. (name of the employee), was a member of the aforesaid Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme from ……………………… (month of joining GISS, 1983) to ………………… (month of death)

3*. The amount of entitlements under the Scheme indicated in Para 1 above and which is being sanctioned herein above shall be paid to the following person/ persons in the manner shown below as desired by the said deceased employee in the nominations exercised by him/her prior to his/her demise or to his/her legal heir/heirs:

Share of Nominee (s)/Legal Heir(s)

Name of the NomineeRelationship with the deceased employeeShare of entitle­mentsAmount in Rs.


As the said deceased who died without exercising any nomination, and as the following heir has/heirs have complied with the requirements prescribed under Para 16.5 of the Scheme, the amount of entitlements shall be paid to the following person/persons in the manner shown below:

Name of the Legal heir(s)Relationship with the deceased employeeShare of entitle­mentsAmount in Rs.

* Strike out which is not applicable

4. Out of the sum of Rs (in words) only sanctioned hereinabove, (a) the sum of Rs. ……………… (Rupees ………………) only being the Insurance amount under the Scheme shall be debited to the heads “8011–Insurance and Pension Fund-00-107-State Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme-001-Insurance Fund, 1983-10-Payments” and (b) the balance sum of Rs. ……………… (in words) (balance of entitlements) only, being the accumulations under the Savings Fund together with interest thereon @ 6% p.a. shall be debited to the head “8011 – Insurance and Pension Fund-00-107-State Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme-002-Savings Fund, 1983-10-Payments the Public Account of the State.

5. A copy of this order shall be attached to the Bill/Bills at the time of presentation of the bill/bills for insurance Claim and Savings Fund separately at the appropriate Treasury/ Pay and Accounts Office, Kolkata for drawal of the amount/amounts sanctioned hereabove.

6. The ……………… (name of the DDO) will draw the amount and disburse the same to the persons mentioned in Para 3.

Signature of the Head of Office

Annexure-I: Model Sanction Order (For Retirement/Cessation of employment)
Annexure-G: Model Sanction Order (For Retirement/Cessation of employment)
Annexure-H: Model Sanction Order (For Death Claims)


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