
Revision of Scale of Pay of Sower/ Head Sower of Mounted Police


The question of revision of scales of pay of Sower and Head Sower of Mounted Police under the administrative control of Home (Police) Department have been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5797-F, Dated: 22.06.2009


The question of revision of scales of pay of Sower and Head Sower of Mounted Police under the administrative control of Home (Police) Department have been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to revise the pay scales of the above mentioned posts under Home (Police) Department as stated below:-

Name of the PostScale of payScale of pay as revised
SowerRs.920-1617/- (Scale No. 4)3350-6325/- (Scale No.6)
Head Sower980-1755/- (Scale No.5-)3600-7050/- (Scale No. 7)

3. The revised pay scale would take notional effect from 01-01-96 and actual effect from 01-04-2008.

4. The employees holding the above posts may exercise fresh option to come under ROPA-’98 within 30 days from the date of issue of this memorandum.

5. The rules of initial pay fixation in the revised pay scales and all other conditions as laid down in the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay & Allowances) Rules, 1998 excepting the date of actual effect shall apply mutatis-mutandis.

6. The existing employees in the post of Sower shall be allowed the revised pay scale as mentioned above. However, the subsequent direct recruits will get the benefit of revised scale on the basis of revised recruitment rules to be framed with minimum recruitment qualification of Pass in Secondary Examination or equivalent Examination in consultation with Public Service Commission, West Bengal as per recent Government decision.

7. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal and the Principal Accountant General (Audit), West Bengal are being informed.

Sd/- S.K.Chattopadhyay

Special secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 5797-F dated 22.06.2009

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