School Education, Anglo-Indian Schools , ROPA đī¸ 394
Implementation of Revised Scale of Pay (ROPA-2009) in DA getting & Anglo-Indian Schools (both Primary and Secondary) so as to be considered for further enhancement of DA as may be announced in due course.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Planning & Budget Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.
No. 405-SE(P&B)/5B-19/2010 Dated: 06.12.2013
From: Shri A.K.Haldar
Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
To: The Commissioner of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 7th floor, Salt Lake Kolkata – 700 091
Sub: Implementation of Revised Scale of Pay (ROPA-2009) in DA getting & Anglo-Indian Schools (both Primary and Secondary) so as to be considered for further enhancement of DA as may be announced in due course.
Ref: G.O. no. 353-SE(P&B)/5B-19/2010 dated 9 October, 2013 & G.O. no. 354-SE(P&B)/5B-19/2010 dated 9 October, 2013 (Copy enclosed)
With reference to the above, the undersigned is directed to request him to kindly issue a reminder following para 5 of the two G.O.s under reference, instructing the concerned DIs (both Secondary and Primary) of the DA getting & Anglo-Indian Schools (both Primary and Secondary) to take necessary steps to bring those staff, who are still placed in any of the pre-revised scale of pay structures, under the revised scale so as to be considered for further enhancement of DA as may be announced in due course.
Enclo: As stated
Sd/- A.K.Haldar
Assistant Secretary