
ROPA, 2019 for Employees of Engineering and Technology Colleges

Higher Education, , 👁ī¸ 551

Revision of pay for Faculties including Principals and Librarians of a) Cooch Behar Government Engineering College, b) Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, Kolkata, c) Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology, Kolkata, d) Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampur, e) Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampur, f) Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, g) Kalyani Government Engineering College h) Ramkrishna Mahato Government Engineering College, Purulia.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
Technical Branch
Bikash Bhavan, 6th Floor, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091.

No. 11-Edn(T)/1P-2T-2019 Dated, Kolkata, the 07th January, 2020.

From: The Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
To: The Director of Technical Education, West Bengal.

In consonance with the decision to implement the revised Pay structure in respect of Government Employees, School Teachers, Employees of Local & Urban Bodies, University & College Teachers, University Officers (Registrar, Controller of Examinations, Inspector of Colleges and Finance Officer) etc., the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to implement revision of pay for Faculties including Principals & Librarians of the 08 (eight) Government Engineering & Technology Colleges of this State i. e., a) Cooch Behar Government Engineering College, Cooch Behar, b) Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, Kolkata, c) Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology, Kolkata, d) Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampur, e) Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampur, f) Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, g) Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, h) Ramkrishna Mahato Government Engineering College, Purulia.

1. Designation

There shall be 03 (three) Designations in respect of Faculties in 08 (eight) Government Engineering & Technology Colleges of this State, namely, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors/ Senior Professor besides Principals and Librarians.

2. Revised Pay for the Faculties of the eight (08) Government Engineering & Technology Colleges of this State:

(i) Pay Fixation method

The revised pay structure for different categories of teachers and equivalent positions as prescribed by the AICTE is as follows:

a) The revised academic pay structure has been moved from the concept of Pay Band and Academic Grade Pay to that of Academic Levels and Cells.

b) The first academic level (corresponding to AGP of Rs. 6000) is numbered as Academic level 10. Similarly, the other academic levels are 11, 12, 13A1, 14 and 15.

c) Each cell in an academic level is at 3% higher than the previous cell in that level.

d) The entry pay in the revised pay structure for each level is as follows:

Sl.Designations of Teaching FacultyEntry Pay (Rs. )Level
1.Assistant Professor57,70010
2.Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)68,90011
3.Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)79,80012
4.Associate Professor/ Librarian1,31,40013A1

e) The Pay Matrix based on the above propositions on Academic Levels, Cells and Entry Pay is at Annexure-I.

f) For fixation of pay of a Faculty member including Principal and Librarian in the Pay Matrix as on 1st January, 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay/ Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest Rupee. The figure so arrived at, is to be located in that Level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any cell in the applicable level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such cell is available in the applicable level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher cell in the applicable level of the Pay Matrix. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell in that Level, then the pay shall be fixed at the first cell of that Level of Pay Matrix.

(ii) Revised pay for Faculties of the 08 (eight) Government Engineering & Technology Colleges of this State:

Existing PayRevised Pay
Assistant Professor (at Rs. 6000/- AGP in PB Rs. 15,600 – 39,100/-)Assistant Professor (at Level 10 with entry pay of Rs. 57,700/-)
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) (at Rs. 7000/- AGP in PB Rs. 15,600 – 39,100/-)Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) (at Level 11 with entry pay of Rs. 68,900/-)
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) (at Rs. 8000/- AGP in PB Rs. 15,600 – 39,100/-)Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) (at Level 12 with entry pay of Rs. 79,800/-)
Associate Professor/ Librarian (at Rs. 9000/- AGP/ GP in PB Rs. 37,400 – 67,000/-)Associate Professor/ Librarian (at Level 13A1 with entry pay of Rs. 1,31,400/-)
Professor (at Rs. 10000/- AGP in PB Rs. 37,400 – 67,000/-)Professor (at Level 14 with entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-)
Principal (at Rs. 10000/- AGP in PB Rs. 37,400 – 67,000/-)Principal (at Level 14 with entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-)

Note: The pay of Principals shall be equivalent to the pay of Professor i.e. at Academic Level 14 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-, with the revised special allowance of Rs. 6,750/- per month.

(iii) Date of Implementation:

The date of implementation of the above revised pay shall be 1st day of January, 2016 notionally and actually from 1st day of January, 2020.

(iv) Incentive increment for higher qualification:

The incentive structure is built-in in the pay structure itself wherein those having M. Phil or Ph.D. degree will progress faster under CAS. Therefore, there shall be no incentives in the form of advance increments for obtaining the degrees of M. Phil or Ph. D. w. e. f. 01.01.2016.

(v) Increment:

The annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with each cell being higher by 3% over the previous cell in the same level, rounded off to nearest 100. The annual increments would move up in the same Academic Level/ Level as applicable, moving from the existing cell in the Academic Level/ Level to the immediate next cell in the same Academic Level/ Level.

There shall be a uniform date of annual increment, as existing now and such date of annual increment shall be the 1st day of July of every year.

Note- Incumbents covered under this Order completing 06 (six) months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st day of July, shall be eligible to be granted increment.

(vi) Promotion:

When an individual gets a promotion, his new pay on promotion would be fixed in the Pay Matrix as follows:

One increment shall be given in the Academic Level/ Level from which the individual is promoted and he/she shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the applicable Level of the post to which promoted and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level to which promoted, he/she shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that applicable Level. In this case, the employee may have option to get his pay fixed either from the date of promotion or from the date of next increment and the manner of pay fixation will be the same as detailed in Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 provided that in the case of CAS benefit, there will be no interim pay fixation benefit.

(vii) Allowances:

(a) House Rent Allowance:

With effect from the 1st January, 2020, the house rent allowance admissible shall be 12% of his/her revised basic pay, subject to a maximum of Rs. 12,000/- per month. The ceiling of house rent allowance drawn by husband and wife together shall also be raised to Rs. 12,000/- per month.

The term basic pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Pay Level in the Pay Matrix and does not include any other type of pay.

The existing terms and conditions of drawl of house rent allowance by an individual living in his/her own house or in a rented house shall continue to apply.

When a Government accommodation being in a habitable condition in all respect with appropriate supply of water, power and toilet arrangements for individual families and such a Government accommodation is earmarked for holder of a particular post, the holder will not be entitled to house rent allowance for living elsewhere.

(b) Medical Allowances:

The existing rate of Medical Allowance will be revised to Rs. 500/- per month w. e. f. 01.01.2020 in respect of an individual who is not covered under “West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008”.

(c) Hill Compensatory Allowance:

Hill Compensatory Allowance will be admissible @ 12% of revised basic pay subject to maximum of Rs. 2000/- per month with effect from 01.01.2020 to the incumbents covered under this order who are now in receipt of the same as per the existing Government Order.

(d) Conveyance Allowance for differently-abled employees:

This will be admissible @ 5% of Revised Basic Pay subject to maximum of Rs. 800/- per month with effect from 01.01.2020.

(e) Other Allowances:

All other allowances shall continue with the existing amount as drawn as on the date of issue of this Order for the revised pay till such time the allowances are revised. Employees joining service after issue of this Order shall also draw the existing amount.

(viii) Gratuity:

The benefits of revised Gratuity as allowed to the State Government employees shall also be allowed to the individual falling under this Order.

(ix) Payment of arrears:

No arrears of pay for the period from the 1st day of January, 2016 to the 31st day of December, 2019, shall be paid to the individual.

(x) This order does not extend to the Guest Teachers/ Faculties, Visiting Faculties, contractually engaged teachers and any other categories of employees/ officers of the Government Engineering and Technology Colleges which are not mentioned in para -1 of this Order.

(xi) Concerned College will make necessary amendments in the Rules where necessary for incorporating the provision of the Government Order therein.

Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of this order may be brought to the notice of the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal for clarification/decision of the State Government.

This issues with the approval of the Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide U. O. No. Group P1/2019-2020/0342 dated 06.01.2020.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- Principal Secretary
Department of Higher Education

No. 11-Edn dated 07.01.2020, Source

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