Revision of pay and allowances of the Officers & employees of West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation under the Backward Classes Welfare Department.
Government of West Bengal
Backward Classes Welfare Department
DJ-4, Administrative Building, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91.
No. 826-BCW Dated: The 13th day of March, 2020
Subject: Revision of pay and allowances of the Officers & employees of West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation under the Backward Classes Welfare Department.
A Pay Commission was constituted under Government Resolution No. 8070-F(P) dt. 27.11.2015 read with Resolution No. 8071-F(P) dt. 27.11.2015 for examining the structure of pay and conditions of service of State Government employees along with those for the employees of a number of State Government Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Corporations etc. as included in Part-A & Part-B of Resolution No. 8071-F(P) dt. 27.11.2015 respectively and certain other organizations which were subsequently included in Part-B in terms of Resolution No. 3242-F(P) dt. 17.06.2016, No. 4132-F(P) dt. 04.08.2016 and No. 265-F(P) dt. 13.01.2017 in partial amendment of Resolution no. 8071-F(P) dt. 27.11.2015. The Pay Commission has since submitted its recommendations.
2. After careful consideration of the recommendations of the Pay Commission as regards structure of emoluments and other conditions of service in respect of West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation, (herein after referred to as the Corporation) the Governor has been pleased to decide that the following guidelines shall be followed in the matter of revision of pay & allowances of the regular and whole-time employees (hereinafter referred to as ’employees’) of the Corporation:-
I. Revised Pay Structure:
Now in exercise the power conferred under Section 10 of West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation Act 2017 and keeping in view the guidelines as detailed in Finance Department order no. 6446(65)-F [P2] dated 29-11-2019, the revised pay structure in the form of Pay Matrix in respect of the regular and whole-time employees and officers of West Bengal Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes Development and Finance Corporation shall be as per Annexure-I read with Annexure-II.
The revised pay structure shall come into force notionally from 01.01.2016 with actual financial effect from 01.01.2020.
II. Exercise of Option to come under the revised pay structure:
An employee may elect to come under the revised pay structure either from 01.01.2016 or from the date of next or any subsequent increment till 25-09-2019 or from the date of promotion/up-gradation which took place between 01-01-2016 and 25.09.2019 provided that the employee who joined service on or after 01.01.2016 will have no such option to come under the revised pay structure and he/she shall draw pay in the revised pay structure at the initial Cell of the applicable Level of Pay Matrix from the date of his/her joining.
An employee will have no option to come under revised pay structure from the date of any subsequent increment that fell due after any promotion during the period from 01-01-2016 to 25-09-2019.
An employee got promotion/ advancement on 18-09-2016. He is not eligible to exercise option to come under revised pay structure from the date of increment on 01-07-2017 or 01-07-2018 or 01-07-2019. He is, however, eligible to exercise such option w.e.f. 01-01-2016 or 01 -07-2016 or 18-09-2016.
An employee got promotion/ advancement on 12-03-2017 and got pay fixation benefit on 01-07-2017. He is not eligible to exercise option to come under revised pay structure from the date of subsequent increment on 01-07-2018 or 01-07-2019. He is, however, eligible to exercise such option w.e.f. 01-01-2016 or 01-07-2016.or 01-01-2017.
III. Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure:
Initial pay in the revised pay structure of an employee shall be determined by multiplying the pre-revised basic pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) on the date of option by a factor 2.57 and rounding off the same to the nearest rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in the appropriate (corresponding) Level in the Pay Matrix as given in Annexure-I read with Annexure-II, if such an identical figure corresponds to any Cell in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix.
IV. Fixation of pay on promotion:
For fixation of pay on promotion, an employee may have option to get his pay fixed either from the date of promotion straightway or from the date of next increment.
(a) In case the employee opts to get his pay fixed from the date of promotion, he shall be allowed one increment in the Level from which he is promoted and the figure so arrived at shall be placed at a Cell equal to that figure in the applicable Level of the promotion post and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which he is promoted, his/her pay shall be fixed at the next higher Cell in that Level and his/her next increment will fall due on the 1st July on completion of at least 6 months from the date of such promotion.
(b) In case the employee opts to get his/her pay fixed from the date of next increment then on the date of promotion his/her pay shall initially be fitted in the applicable Level of the promotion post at the same Cell as that of his existing pay and in absence of such Cell, it shall be fitted at the next higher Cell and such pay shall finally be re-fixed as per the provisions as at (a) above after accrual of increment in the lower post. The next increment shall, however, fall due on the next 1st July.
V. Fixation of pay relating to Career Advancement Scheme:
a) An employee is eligible to move to 1st higher Level in relation to the Level of the first appointed post on completion of 10 years service without having any promotion during that period and is eligible to move to 2nd higher Level on completion of total 20 years of service provided he has not got more than one promotion/ movement during that time. Fixation of pay in such cases shall be as per the procedure detailed in para 2 (IV) above except the interim pay fixation benefit as included in (b) of sub-para-IV in case the employee opts to get his pay fixed from the date of increment.
b) If an employee has got promotion to a post in the 2nd higher Level or above within 10 years of service he will not be eligible to move to any further higher Level on completion of 20 years of service except pay fixation benefit of one increment in the same Level keeping the date of increment unchanged.
c) If an employee, after getting 1st higher Level or 2nd higher Level under career advancement scheme, gets promotion to a post in the same or lower Level, he will get pay fixation benefit of one increment in the existing Level keeping the date of increment unchanged.
VI. Increments in the Pay Matrix:
After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level in the Pay Matrix, the subsequent increment in the Level shall be at the immediate next higher Cell vertically arranged downwards in that Level.
VII. Date of Annual Increment:
Annual increment shall be the 1st day of July of every year uniformly. An employee completing six months or more service in the revised pay structure as on 1st day of July, shall be eligible to be granted increment.
VIII. House Rent Allowance:
Employees shall be allowed House Rent Allowance @ 12% of Revised Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 12000/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.2020 and also subject to other terms and conditions as applicable to the State Government employees. The ceiling of house rent allowance drawn by husband and wife together has also been raised to Rs. 12000/- p.m. For the purpose of drawal of House Rent Allowance the term ‘revised basic pay’ shall mean the pay drawn in the prescribed pay Level in the Pay Matrix and does not include any other type of pay.
IX. Medical Allowance:
Payment of Medical Allowance and other Medical Benefits will be regulated as under :-
The employees who are now in receipt of Medical Allowance @ Rs.300/- p.m. shall be allowed enhancement of the rate to Rs. 500/- p.m. w.e.f. 01.01.2020 provided that any employee getting benefit under any medical benefit sponsored by the Government shall get no medical allowance.
X. Retirement Benefits:
There will be no change in existing retirement benefits in respect of the employees as they are now covered under CPF-Gratuity-cum-EPF (Pension) Scheme. For these employees the existing ceiling limit on gratuity shall be enhanced to Rs. 12 lakh w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
XI. Benefit of Leave Encashment:
Existing benefit of encashment of leave shall continue. The benefit of leave encashment in the revised pay structure shall be admissible to those who will retire on or after 01.01.2020.
XII. Drawal of pay, allowances and pension in the revised pay structure:
The employees will draw revised pay, allowances and retirement benefits except gratuity w.e.f. 01.01.2020.
XIII. The undersigned is directed to request the W.B. SC, ST & OBC Development and Finance Corporation to take necessary action to give effect to the provisions of this memorandum. The employees shall exercise option in the form shown in Annexure-III within three months from this date and the revised pay shall be fixed in the form shown in Annexure-IV.
XIV. If there is any difficulty to give effect to the provisions of this memorandum, the same shall be referred to the Finance Department through BCW Department for removal of difficulty or interpretation or clarification as the case may be. The decision of the Government will be final in this regard.
XV. This order issues with the approval of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P1/2019-2020/0433 Dated 04-03-2020.
Encl: Annexure I, II, III & IV
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Dr. A. Subbaiah
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.