Governor is pleased to finally publish the notification directing the RTA, Kolkata to limit the number of permits on autorickshaw plying in different routes within the jurisdiction of Kolkata, Howrah, Bidhannagar and Barrackpore Police Commissionerates in public interest, with immediate effect.
No. 5673-WT/3M-01/2010 Pt. II Date: 10.12.2018
Whereas, reports were received from the different stakeholders by the Transport Department, regarding operation of unauthorized auto-rickshaws plying on many of the routes falling within the jurisdiction of Regional Transport Authority (hereinafter referred as RTA), Kolkata without having proper insurance certificate, registration certificate, tax receipt, permit and pollution under control certificate, as is required under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act. 1988 (Act of 59 of 1988) and Rules made thereunder:
AND Whereas, the Government is deeply concerned about the safety and security of the passengers, travelling on such unauthorized auto-rickshaws, and their difficulties in getting legal assistance in case of any accident;
AND Whereas, considering all these aspects the Governor was pleased to form a High Power Committee on Auto-rickshaw vide Notification No. 5444-WT/3M-01/2010 dated 02.12.2016 for considering the proposals of regularization of unauthorised auto-rickshaws presently plying on roads on ‘as is where is’ basis, as well as, for issuance of fresh autorickshaw permits within the jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata and other related matters;
AND Whereas, the said High Power Committee on Auto-rickshaw submitted their report vide Memo. No. 94/T. Dte/Auto-Report dated 31.10.2017 after considering the objections and/or suggestions of the stake holders along with the facts and figures on plying of auto-rickshaws (including unauthorized autorickshaws) from the concerned RTAs having jurisdiction over Kolkata. Howrah, Bidhannagar and Barrackpore Police Commissioneratcs (before extension of the jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata vide notification No. 3838-WT/TR/3M-51/2010 dated 03.10.2016) and also from the Traffic Wings of Kolkata, Howrah. Bidhannagar and Barrackpore Police Commissionerates;
AND Whereas, after examining the said report of the High Power Committee on Auto-rickshaw and upon considering its recommendations. it was decided by the Transport Department to regularize the unauthorized auto-rickshaws presently plying on the city-routes in Kolkata on ‘as is where is’ basis. Accordingly, a draft notification was published vide notification No. 2543-WT/3M-01/2010 (Pt.II) dated 11.06.2018 to limit the number of permits on auto-rickshaw within the present jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata upon supersession of all earlier notifications in this regard and to seek representations, suggestions and/or objections, if any. from all the stake-holders before finalizing such notification;
AND Whereas, this Department received number of representations, suggestions and objections from the stakeholders which were finally examined, considered and disposed by a Committee again constituted for that purpose vide notification No. 3416-WT/3M-01/2010(Pt.II) dated 25.07.2018 and the said Committee submitted its report and recommendations vide Memo. No. C-4/RTA/18(T.Dtc)/Auto Com (Clm&Obj) dated 14.09.2018 and Memo. No. 256/T.Dte/Auto-Rickshaws/2018 dated 28.11.2018.
NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred under clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 74 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act of 59 of 1988) and in supersession of the notification No. 1276-WT/4M-23/95 Pt.I dated 31.03.2017 and notification No. 988-WT/3M-90/2003 dated 05.03.2004 and all other earlier notifications regarding autorickshaw routes within the present jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata, the Governor is hereby pleased to finally publish the notification directing the RTA, Kolkata to limit the number of permits on autorickshaw plying in different routes within the jurisdiction of Kolkata, Howrah, Bidhannagar and Barrackpore Police Commissionerates in the manner specified hereunder in public interest, with immediate effect.
However, regularization of unauthorized auto-rickshaws presently plying within the jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata continuously since 01.01.2015 or before shall be done by RTA, Kolkata on ‘as is where is basis’ by issuing fresh permits on autorickshaw within the abovementioned notified maximum limit in accordance with the “Auto-rickshaw Policy of West Bengal, 2018” issued by the Transport Department. Government of West Bengal vide notification No. 3944-WT/3M-01/2010 Pt.-II dated 14.08.2018.
All the existing unauthorized auto-rickshaws plying continuously since 01.01.2015 or before within the jurisdiction of RTA, Kolkata, shall be given the opportunity to avail ‘one-time regularization’ process on ‘as is where is’ basis within the prescribed time limit under certain terms and conditions mentioned in the said policy.
The Government in the Transport Department shall only be competent to alter or modify this notification from time to time, if so considered necessary in public interest.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- B.P. GOPAL1KA Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal