
RTI Appellate Authority in Higher Education Department, 2015

Higher Education, 👁️ 296

Governor is pleased to notify different services and the Designated Officers, Appellate Officers and Reviewing Officers responsible for providing such services in Higher Education.

KOLKATA – 700 091

No. 788-HE (Estt.) /1’O’-30/13 Kolkata, the 4th May, 2015.


In exercise of powers conferred by section 3 of the West Bengal Right to Public Services Act, 2013, and in cancellation of this Department’s Notification No. 1865-HE (Estt.) dated 30.10.2014, the Governor is hereby pleased to notify the following services and the Designated Officers, the Appellate Officers and the Reviewing Officers responsible for providing such services, along with stipulated time limit for this purpose as follows:-

1. Directorate of State Archives:-

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated OfficerStipulated timeAppellate OfficerStipulated timeReviewing OfficerStipulated time
1Providing Certified Copies of Calcutta Gazette and Electoral Rolls.Assistant Director of State Archives.30 days.Director of State Archives.15 days.Jt. Secy, H.E. Dept.10 days.
2Providing Search Cases.Research Room In-Charge.30 days.Director of State Archives.15 days.Jt. Secy, H.E. Dept.10 days.

2. West Bengal State Council of Higher Education:-

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated OfficerStipulated timeAppellate OfficerStipulated timeReviewing OfficerStipulated time
1.Conducting of inspection and submission of enquiry report in relation to introduction of new subjects/courses/ programme in under graduate and post graduate level.Joint Secretary, WBSCHE.One month from the date of receipt of proposal, complete in all respect.Member Secretary, WBSCHE.15 days.Vice Chairman/ Chairman, WBSCHE.7 days.
2.Inspection for introduction of new degree colleges.Joint Secretary, WBSCHE.3 months from the date of receipt of proposal, complete in all respect.Member Secretary, WBSCHE.2 months.Vice Chairman/ Chairman, WBSCHE.One month.

3. West Bengal College Service Commission:-

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated OfficerStipulated timeAppellate OfficerStipulated timeReviewing OfficerStipulated time
1Recruitment/ Selection of Assistant Professors, Librarians.Assistant Secretary, WBCSC.Two years from the date of publication of the Advertisement.Secretary, WBCSC.2 months.Chairman, WBCSC.One month.
2Recruitment of Principals in Government aided Colleges.Assistant Secretary, WBCSCOne year from the date of publication of the Advertisement.Secretary, WBCSC.2 months.Chairman, WBCSC.One month.
3Conducting State Eligibility Test for intending Assistant Professors and Librarians.Assistant Secretary, WBCSC.Within one year from the last date of receipt of application in response to an advertise­ment, subject to the visit of UGC team for result publication.Secretary, WBCSC.2 months.Chairman, WBCSC.One month.
4Miscellaneous application.Assistant Secretary, WBCSC.Within four months from the last date of receipt of application.Secretary, WBCSC.One month.Chairman, WBCSC.15 days.

4. West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board:-

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated OfficerStipulated timeAppellate OfficerStipulated timeReviewing OfficerStipulated time
1Conducting examinations for admission to undergraduate/ Post-graduate level professional courses.Controller of examinations, WBJEEB.Six months from the date of notification.Vice­ chairman, WBJEEB.Two months.Chairman, WBJEEB.One month.
2Publication of results.Controller of examinations, WBJEEB.Two months from the date of examinations.Vice­ chairman, WBJEEB.One month.Chairman, WBJEEB.Fifteen days.
3Publication of rank card.Controller of examinations, WBJEEB.Twenty days from the date of publication of results.Vice­ chairman, WBJEEB.15 days.Chairman, WBJEEB.7 days.
4Issuance of duplicate rank card/ admit card.Section Officer, WBJEEB.One month from the date of application.Controller of Examinations, WBJEEB.15 days.Chairman, WBJEEB.7 days.
5Conducting Counselling for allotment of seats for admission.Registrar, WBJEEB.Three months from the date of publication of the results.Vice­ chairman, WBJEEB.Two months.Chairman, WBJEEB.One month.
6Refund of fees to eligible candidates.Accounts officer, WBJEEB.Three months from the closing date of Counselling.Registrar, WBJEEB.45 days.Vice­ chairman, WBJEEB.15 days.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary
Higher Education Department.

No. 788-HE dated 04.05.2015

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