Governor is pleased to sanction and release a total amount of Rs. 3,30,00,000 (Rs. Three crore and thirty lakh) only during the financial year 2012-13 as laboratory grant to 165 Schools @ Rs. 2,00,000 per School.
Government of West Bengal School Education Department Planning and Budget Branch Bikash Bhavan, East Block, 5th Floor Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091
From: T.K. Adhikari, WBCS (Exe.) Joint Secretary, Government of West Bengal
To: The Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal Bikash Bhavan, 7th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
Sub: Sanction of laboratory grant to Schools of West Bengal.
For sometimes past, Government in School Education Department was considering to provide grant to Government-aided Schools of West Bengal for upgradation of Science laboratories (Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories only). Under the process 165 Schools have been selected for the year 2012-13 financial year (list enclosed).
2. Now, I am directed to say that the Governor is pleased to sanction and release a total amount of Rs. 3,30,00,000 (Rs. Three crore and thirty lakh) only during the financial year 2012-13 as laboratory grant to 165 Schools @ Rs. 2,00,000 per School.
3. The charge will be met in the following manner:
Sl No.
Head of Account
“2202-General Educatiion-02-Secondary Education-110-Assistance to Non- Government Secondary Schools-SP-State Plan (Annual Plan & 11th/12th Plan)- 002-Strengthening of Science Laboratories in Secondary Schools-[ES)-31- Grants-in-aid-GENERAL-02-Other Grants”. [Code: 2202-02-110-SP-002-[ES]- 31-02-V]
Rs. 1,11,50,000(Rs. one crore eleven lakh and fifty thousand)
“2202-General Educatiion-02-Secondary Education-789-Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes-SP-State Plan (Annual Plan & 11th/12th Plan)-001- Strengthening of Science Laboratories in Secondary Schools-[ES]- 31-Grants- in-aid-GENERAL-02-Other Grants”. [Code: 2202-02-789-SP-001-[ES]-31-02-V]
Rs. 90,00,000 (Rs. ninety lakh)
“2202-General Educatiion-02-Secondary Education-796-Tribal Areas Sub-Plan- SP-State Plan (Annual Plan & 11th/12th Plan)-017-Strengthening of Science Laboratories in Secondary Schools-[ES]- 31-Grants-in-aid-GENERAL-02-Other Grants”. [Code: 2202-02-796-SP-017-[ES]-31-02-V]
Rs. 22,50,000 (Rs. twenty two lakh and fifty thousand)
“2202-General Educatiion-02-Secondary Education-110-Assistance to Non- Government Secondary Schools-NP-Non-Plan-011-Strengthening of Science Laboratories in Secondary Schools-[ES]-31-Grants-in-aid-GENERAL-02-Other Grants”. [Code: 2202-02-110-NP-011-[ES]-31-02-V]
Rs. 1,06,00,000 (Rs. one crore and six lakh)
Rs. 3,30,00,000 (Rs. three crore and thirty lakh)
under demand No. 15 of the current financial year (2012-13).
4. The fund for this purpose is placed under the disposal of the Commissioner of School Education, West Bengal with the authority to sub-allot the same, part thereof to the concerned subordinate officers.
5. Release of further amount will be considered only after receipt of the Utilisation Certificate in proper format.
6. This order issues in exercise of the powers delegated under Finance Department’s Memo. No. 1700-F.B. Dated 31/12/2012.
All concerned are being informed.
Sd/- T.K. Adhikari Joint Secretary Government of West Bengal