D. El. Ed. Part – I Examination (Theoretical) for the Session 2016-2018 (Regular/ Face to Face Mode) and of the D. El. Ed. Part – I Examination (Theoretical) for Continuing Candidates of the Session – 2015-2017.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 722/BPE/2018 Date: 23/05/2018
It is to notify all concerned that the D. El. Ed. Part – I Examination (Theoretical) for the Session 2016-2018 (Regular/ Face to Face Mode) and of the D. El. Ed. Part – I Examination (Theoretical) for Continuing Candidates of the Session – 2015-2017 will be held in accordance with the programme, given below:
Programme of Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part – I Examination (Session – 2016-2018 regular candidates & Session 2015-2017 continuing candidates) (New Syllabus)
21/06/2018 (Thursday)
12-00 Noon. To 03-00 P.M.
Child Studies (CC-01)
23/06/2018 (Saturday)
12-00 Noon. To 03-00 P.M.
Language -CPS-01 (L-1) (B/H/U/N)
25/06/2018 (Monday)
12-00 Noon. To 03-00 P.M.
Language-CPS-02 (L2) (English)
27/06/2018 (Wednesday)
12-00 Noon. To 03-00 P.M
29/06/2018 (Friday)
12-00 Noon. To 03-00 P.M
Environmental Science-CPS-04
The said examinations will be held in the venues to be selected by the Board other than the respective Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes from where the candidates have completed their courses/parts thereof.
The Students are requested to fill up the Application Form For Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination for the session 2016-2018 on payment of Rs. 600/- (Rupees six hundred) only as examination fees online on and from 1st June, 2018. The Last date of such examination form fill up is 7th June, 2018. The online application form along with procedures therein will be available in the website (1) www.wbbpe.org (2) http://wbbprimaryeducation.org from the date as mentioned above, i.e. 01.06.2018.
The issuance of Admit Cards to the Heads of the respective D. El. Ed. Institutes will be made from the office of the undersigned during office hours on and from 18th June, 2018 to 20th June, 2018.
The Heads of all the DIETs/ Govt./ Govt. Spon./ Govt. Aided institutions are requested to come personally or send their authorized representatives to receive the Admit Cards from the office of the undersigned.
In case of Self-financed Non-Government Institutions, only the approved Heads of the institutions are requested to receive the Admit Cards. They are also requested to submit the approved list of students at the time of receiving the said Admit Cards. The Heads of the Institutions must carry their photo Identity Card, issued by the competent authority to avoid impersonation.
The holding of External Practical Examination of “Pre-internship Processed Based Teaching-Learning Skill Enhancement Programme” of the students will be notified in due course.