
Scheme for Retired Employees of State Transport Undertakings

Transport, , , 👁ī¸ 295

Scheme for the retired employees of State Transport Undertakings (STUs) in accordance with the direction contained in the Solemn Order dated 30.6.2015 in WP No. 11978(W) of 2015.

Scheme for the retired employees of State Transport Undertakings (STUs) in accordance with the direction contained in the Solemn Order dated 30.6.2015 passed by HIS LORDSHIP HON’BLE JUSTICE BISWANATH SOMADDER in WP No. 11978(W) of 2015.

The Scheme

1. From the Report submitted by the Principal Secretary, Transport Dept, it is apparent that the total outstanding dues for the retiring employees upto 31-3-2015 is Rs.304.65 crores. For evolving a judicious and viable mechanism for liquidating the above outstanding dues arising out of retiral benefits upto 31.3.2015, it is suggested that the Finance Department and the Transport Department will provide the necessary and co-ordinated support for liquidating the dues of the STUs and a period of 36 months (3 years) starting from September, 2015 onwards may be fixed for payment of outstanding liabilities to the retired employees at the rate of Rs 8.5 crores per month (approx) with the stipulation that the employees who have retired earlier will get their dues first. This allocation will be made from the existing budgetary provision of the Transport Dept in respect of the different STUs and in case of shortfall of fund for providing the retirement dues, the Transport Department will approach the Finance Department for consideration for necessary augmentation of fund.

2. In case of current liabilities generated beyond 31-3-2015 towards retiral benefits of the employees of the STUs, Transport Department will have to ensure that the retiral dues will have to be cleared as first charge within 30 days of retirement from the available fund/ existing budgetary provision. Any fund available to a particular STU out of monetization of its assets will be utilized for this purpose. In case of shortfall, Finance Department will provide additional fund specifically for this purpose.



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