
Permission for Teaching Subjects by PTTs

School Education, 👁️ 228

Engage Part Time subject teachers in Higher Secondary section in Computer Science, Computer Application and Journalism & Mass Communication.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Secondary Branch
Bikash Bhavan, (5th Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

No. 1097-SE(S)/3S-47/2012 (pt) Date: 05.08.2013

From: Shri A.K. Bhattacharya,
Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

To: The President,
WBCHSE, Vidyasagar Bhavan, 9/2, Block-DJ,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

Sub: Regarding seeking permission for teaching subjects by Part Time Teachers.
Ref: Your letter No. PR/160/2013 dated 11/06/2013


In response to your letter under reference Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge of this department agreed to the proposal submitted by you for engagement of Part Time subject teachers in Higher Secondary section in Computer Science, Computer Application and Journalism & Mass Communication where no retired teacher would be available on following terms and conditions:

1. The school Authority will select qualified persons on the subjects, negotiate remuneration and receive consent letter for teaching and to act as examiner, if appointed by the council for conducting examination only.

2. The school authority will be liable to pay them and under no circumstances the Government will be liable for appointment and payment of such persons. A declaration to this regard is to be collected before engagement of the teachers.

3. On receiving documents on qualifications, declaration and resolution of the Managing Committee, the school will move to the Council for subject approval on the particular subject.

4. The School Authority will submit proposal for sanctioning the post to the DIS (SE) after successful introduction of the course.

Sd/-Joint Secretary

No. 1097-SE dated 05.08.2013

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