
Separate Sounds for Ambulance Siren and Police Siren

Transport, , 👁️ 298

For the purpose of early patient transport an ambulance may use as signal the wailing siren sound having rising and falling loop; while a police vehicle in emergency service will use siren with passing sound effect with short brust.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhawan
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 2894-WT/3M-28/07 Date: 23.06.2017


WHEREAS, Rule 119 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 provides for reduction of noise in motor vehicles to deal with sound producing devices that gives harsh, shrill, loud or alarming signals in ambulances/ police vehicles etc. and it also provided that such sound signals if intended to use requires to be approved by the Registering Authority in whose jurisdiction such vehicles are kept;

AND WHEREAS, upon recommendation of Police Authority the State Government has felt it necessary to maintain two different types of sound signals for (audible identification of) ambulances and police vehicles within the sound limits as prescribed in the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and Notification No. EN/3346/T-IV-6/001/2007(Pt.II) dtd. 29.12.2009 of Environment Department, Government of West Bengal;

Now, Therefore, in pursuance of Sub-rule (3) of Rule 119 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 the Governor is pleased hereby to direct that henceforth distinctly separate (siren) signals as indicated below will be used by ambulances and police vehicles used in emergency and pilot duties respectively to clearly distinguish the two types of vehicles on road.

For the purpose of early patient transport an ambulance may use as signal the wailing siren sound having rising and falling loop; while a police vehicle in emergency service will use siren with passing sound effect with short brust. Both the different sound siren clips may be downloaded/ heard from the State Government website: www.wb.gov.in, this Deptt. website http:// transport.wb.gov.in and in Police websites.

This will come into force with immediate effect.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- B. Dasgupta
OSD & eo Special Secretary

No. 2894-WT dated 23.06.2017, Source

Download: Ambulance Siren, Police Siren

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