
Service Rate of Tata Medical Center, Rajarhat under WBHS

Finance, 👁️ 480

Governor is now pleased to revise the existing rate list for Tata Medical Center, Rajarhat only, for treatment of the beneficiaries under West Bengal Health Scheme.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No. 176-F(MED)WB Dated: 19/09/2022


Sub: Revision of service rate of Tata Medical Center, Rajarhat, an empanelled HCO under West Bengal Health Scheme

Tata Medical Center (TMC), Rajarhat a uni-specialty cancer hospital provides medical treatment to the beneficiaries of West Bengal Health Scheme at their General Tariff Rate as per Notification No. 108-F(MED)WB Dated 19.12.2019.

The TMC, Rajarhat has recently revised their General Tariff and communicated the same to Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal as per provision of Clause No. 2.4 of signed Memorandum of Agreement with request to adopt the revised rate of their General Tariff for treatment of beneficiaries of WBHS w.e.f 01.08.2022. As such, modification of the existing rate list of TMC, Rajarhat has been felt necessary to keep up the parity with their revised General Rate of Tariff introduced with effect from 01.08.2022.

Accordingly, the Governor is now pleased to revise the existing rate list for Tata Medical Center, Rajarhat only, for treatment of the beneficiaries under West Bengal Health Scheme, as per table below:-

Sl. No.ParticularsEnclosure No.
1Revised Rate List of Tata Medical Center, Rajarhat applicable from 01.08.2022I

This has the approval of Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal.

Enclo: Enclosure-I

Sri Aloke Kumar Mukherjee, WBA & AS
Joint Secretary, Finance Department
Government of West Bengal

No. 176-F dated 19.09.2022, Source

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